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do you pay for those craft show listing websites?


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I am trying to get my fall craft shows lined up. My last show booked is on Sept 25 and then nothing. I can't find anything and there has to be something out there. I found some websites that lists out showings, but you have to pay for them. I tried "cheating" and doing a google search for the information, but nothing ever comes up for them except all of those pay sites.

Do you pay for those websites? How do you find your shows? I'm getting frustrated that I can't find shows :mad:

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I find that going to chamber of commerce sites for cities that you are looking for shows in brings up a lot of craft shows especially for the fall time frame.

Some of the sites that you pay for listings will show you some information and from there you can google the date and city and come across more information without paying.

Church websites are also a great place to look, some of the biggest shows in my area are large local churches.


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I don't pay for those sites. Not when you can find the info for free. Here are a few suggestions:

*Contact local area chambers of commerce, schools, organizations

*Watch for newspaper/show publications/other ads for shows

*www.eventlister.com (you can usually earn points to get to see upcoming shows--I wouldn't pay.)

**When attending your craft shows this fall, visit vendors (ones you are impressed with) and ask them what shows they do and really like or recommend. Most vendors will give you that info. Those that don't are probably not even worth talking to---they have other issues! LOL (This has been my BEST form of finding quality craft shows)

When you are at shows, often times promoters will hand out applications too.

And even if you cannot get into the show this season, you can at least attend the show as a shopper to see its quality.

And once you get on a mailing list, you will most likely receive lots of mailings for shows.

Good luck!

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Hi, RebeccaJo...

I noticed you are from MI. Here is a link I found that shows many across lower MI...scroll down the page and each month has a link that will open. Hope this helps...and keep us posted on where you will be! The links to each month are in black, and don't light up when I scroll across, so it is a bit deceiving...but click on the month you are interested in and it will open.


Edited by B@BlissStreet
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thanks for the links and suggestions. I have been talking to other crafters at shows, but even the shows they mention I can't find :sad2:.

Its also funny because 1 person will say, go here, its great and you talk to the next person and they say don't go here, it is awful and they are referring to the same show. I know it depends on market and your product, but I just find that funny as sometimes I get those types of responses from people who make the same types of things :laugh2:

Hopefully I can get something lined up, this is supposed to be the start of the "busy" season.:)

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I don't pay either for the listings because you can get the best info on your own. The suggestions given in this thread are right on target; check the Chamber of Commerce sites, churches, and get info from other venders.

You mentioned you couldn't find the info from the other vendors. Get the info, date, place, contact person, etc. fron the vendor. If they don't have it many craft shows have their own website. Google the craft show name and most likely you will find it.

Also check out local Expo Centers, Arenas, County Fairgrounds.

Once I started going to craft shows the best inside info to good shows to go to came from the vendors themselves. So go to them and get info and don't be afraid to ask what is the best show they did, the name, where, when, how do I contact the show promoter? Get the vendors's phone number if you have to so you can follow up with them.

Also, many promoters attend craft shows looking for vendors and will give handouts. Ask them info about the show like how many years has the show been done, how many people attend, how much is the vendor fee, etc. Make sure you give them your biz card and request they put you on their mailing list.

Also ask for their biz card so you can follow up with them.

Lastly, in order to find the good shows you will probably end up going to a few bad ones. It takes time to build up a good line up of shows to do. When I first started I remember reading that it takes about 4 years to get really good at finding the best shows and weeding out the bad ones. The way to do it is keep tabs on the good ones to do the next year while eliminating the bad ones. You also need to continue looking for new shows to replace the bad ones that didn't work out for you and to constantly be on the lookout for potential good shows. After a while you get better at it. Also, a show that was good for years can suddenly turn bad; city was rebuilt, people moved away, area changed, population shift, can all have an effect on attendance.

You will also learn that what works for one vendor may not be a good show for you. That knowledge also comes with experience of doing all sorts of shows over time.

I also find people at shows that I like that I stay in touch with. We trade show info over the years helping each other out. I have found some really good shows that a fellow vendor told me about because I befriended them and stayed in touch and vice versa.

Edited by Candybee
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I use festivalnet.com (I think that's what it is) for the most part. Its free and a GREAT resource! Between that and our two local newspaper community calendars that's all I reallly need. Craigslist can also be a resource too. They have an event section. I've found a few that way as well! Good luck!

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Another source of information is to start a Yahoo Forum or blog that you and other local vendors you meet can sign up for and share craft show info. We did that here in my area and I get some good tips for shows. This method takes a little while to get going and you need other crafters cooperation but you'd be surprised how many will want to join in if you tell them about it.

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