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ISO Fall Harvest

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I got some of this FO from Aztek as it was clearance due to them buying some FO's from a company that went out of business. I absolutely LOVE this scent and would like to find a duplicate version. I have no idea who the out of business supplier they bought it from all I can tell you is the label on the bottle says Fall Havest WV. I am assuming the WV means the company was in WV as all the other bottles I got that were from the out of business supplier has WV under the scent name. I have done a search for this on fragranceoilfinder and I have found a few but am a little leary as some of the company's I have never heard of/ dealt with and who knows if they will smell like what I am looking for. Any help?

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No clue if these two scents are even close as I've never tried the one you mentioned, but I absolutely love Harvest Moon from Moonworks. I haven't put it in anything yet and can't wait. I open the bottle and take a sniff every couple of days, though, and every time I think "man, I wish I could eat this stuff"!! If it's half as good in soap and candles as it is OOB, I will be very, very happy. I think I'm going to put it in a batch of CP this weekend so it will be ready for use in September! My house and I are going to smell sooooo yummy this Fall!!


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just saw on Aztec that there is an Autumn Harvest Closeout-don't know if it would be similar to the previous fall harvest, but it is at their CO price (9.99).

it is listed at the very bottom of their ALL fragrances page, not in alpha order.


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Thanks for all the suggestions.. I will look into those. Diesel, I did get the autumn harvest from Aztek when I was there getting wax, jars etc. and it smells good but it's different from the Fall Harvest. I haven't made any candles yet to test as I have been too busy but hopefully in the next couple days.

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