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Beach House/Gulf Aid.org


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I have been so upset about what is happening to our beaches and wild life in the Gulf since the devastating results of the collapsed deep water horizen, living on the east coast of FL we have been told that this oil will most likely meet our shores sometime this summer. :sad2:

So I have decided to donate 100% of the profits from my Beach House candle sales for June, July and August to www.Gulfaid.org , a the end of the promotion I will also be giving away a necklace I made that was inspired by the ocean to one of the purchasers of the candle. I know this is only a small drop in the bucket for a very big problem but I hope that every little bit will make a difference.

The necklace is made with Hill Tribe Silver (star fish) fresh water pearls, Bali silver spacers, swaroski crystal and mother of pearl beads and a sterling silver lobster clasp.

Thanks for looking :smiley2:




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What a wonderful idea! Beautiful product and necklace. I hope you sell a million.

I live in the desert, but feel much the same way about the Gulf situation. I'm trying to come up with something myself to help. It may not seem like much to someone, but I'm always reminded that even the most powerful waterfall starts with one drop of water.....:sad2:

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Good for you!!

I donated soap to the help the gulf coast etsy shop, the Corona beer HP soap I made with Ocean Breeze. It was only 6 bars... but at least its something!

Whats the link to your shop? I'll tweet, FB, and I might do a blog about it (and some other places people can purchase to help) in a few days.

NM found the link!!

Edited by LuminousBoutique
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Thanks everyone for the encouragment. I wish I could do more but feel better for doing something in my small way.:smiley2:

Thanks LuminousB for spreading the word. (by the way...that Corona Beer Soap sounds yummy!) I finally got the website completed with all the info...here is the link if you all wouldn't mind giving me your opinion that would be great. I didn't want to get political or blame anyone just wanted to bring attention to the problem, I hope it conveys that.


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I think that is all so wonderful and very generous, however,

what about the bastards that caused this!!!!!!!!!!

Why should you suffer????

This should ALL be at their expense!!!!!

I can't even look at those birds all covered in oil

I agree with you, it is so sad to see those birds stuck in the oil and dying, but at this point it just needs to be cleaned up, so the little I can contribute might help. If this gunk reaches the beaches where I live it could be devestating to the local economy! :undecided

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  • 1 month later...

Unfortunately we are the bastards who caused this all of by refusing to change our lifestyle, we all want cheap gasoline for our big cars, plastic bottles for our water and yes, paraffin wax for our candles.

Before this mess started everybody was chanting drill baby drill...well this is a side effect of drilling. By law BP was not required to have extra safety measures like in some other countries so all BP is guilty of is wanting to make more money like all the big corporations in this country.

At the end of the day we still need our cars and they run on gasoline.

I think that is all so wonderful and very generous, however,

what about the bastards that caused this!!!!!!!!!!

Why should you suffer????

This should ALL be at their expense!!!!!

I can't even look at those birds all covered in oil

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This tragedy is due directly from the poor practices of BP. I remember hearing on the news that they could have used better quality equipment and procedures that would have averted the spill but instead opted for the cheaper way and it blew up in their face. They are paying for the mess and they deserve that and more! Sorry to steal the thread away.

The necklace is beautiful and I hope sales are going well for you. I love looking at your candle pictures.

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It is easy to blame BP and ignore the reality, do you think that the other oil companies in the Gulf right now are doing anything different than what BP did? Yes, BP went with the cheaper option to save money but they were not mandated by law to have better safety features on their wells...the real question is why not since other countries required these security features to avoid this type of accident.

This tragedy is due directly from the poor practices of BP. I remember hearing on the news that they could have used better quality equipment and procedures that would have averted the spill but instead opted for the cheaper way and it blew up in their face. They are paying for the mess and they deserve that and more! Sorry to steal the thread away.

The necklace is beautiful and I hope sales are going well for you. I love looking at your candle pictures.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a BEAUTIFUL product and God Bless you for helping those of us on the Gulf Coast. I live by the beach on the Texas Louisiana border and people are still recovering from hurricanes Rita & Ike. We need more people like you who care about the people. I'm not affected personally because I'm not in that industry but have friends who are. I have a question, where do you find lids for the containers you use? I'm new to this and thought the oils were affected without a lid. Thanks again for all your help for the Gulf Coast citizens. Thanks, Mary

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Hi Mary, I got your email, thanks. Guess what...it looks like Lone Star is now carrying the silver lids that fit the Libby 11oz tumblers. I was drooling over them and I'm going to order a few to see what I think but quite honestly they are .75 each, so not sure yet if I want to go that way or not.

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That sounds great and silver would look awesome! Hope they work out. Do you order your Libby tumblers from them also? .75 sounds pretty steep but the quality of your work warrants it if it looks good. Good luck and let me know how it goes.

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Yes, I get the tumblers from LoneStar, they have the best price so far for the Libbey brand. Alalbaster has them which would be closer for me but there not the Libbey brand and they do not look as good, at least to me. :smiley2:

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