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For those of you that have a website...when you get an email from someone who has never bought, but says they want to; and requests that you call them - even though you have your business phone listed on the site - would you call them? I'm more than happy to call a previous customer, or any potential customer that calls while I'm pouring and can't take the call, but I think it's kinda ridiculous for someone I don't know or haven't been communicating with to expect me to call them.

When I did this years ago, it would always be, "Oh that's too much", "you don't have the color I want", etc. A total waste of time. And I can't imagine any catalog store calling someone back because they might place an order.

Am I wrong here?:confused:

Edited by Bernadette
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I would call. I have gotten really nice orders that way. Sometimes, they just want to talk about the candles, etc.... You know, we as business owners are leary about some of our potential customers, and it works in reverse. I too question the validity of some sites I want to order from.

It's just good customer service to call. IMO

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Never happened to me, and I find it odd.

The customer can pick up the phone and call you if he/she needs to be sure you are a real business. Just put, if you're a scammer, you can call from any number you wnat and put a fake number on the site.

I just don't see the point in writing you to ask to call back. It seems a bit rude to me.

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I'm with you Sabrina. I only conduct business on the web. It is clearly stated that I am the only person working here - that I do it all. I do enough business on the web so that I work 10 hours a day, every day of the year except for the summer vacation I take every year when the temps are over 100 degrees every day(Bad for shipping, obviously). The business phone is listed, with extended calling hours, 7 days a week. I wear a bluetooth so I can take calls almost always. Sometimes I don't if I'm in the middle of a tricky pour, or the shipping guy is at the door waiting for the last piece of tape to be put on the last package for pickup. I just don't have the time to call a "MAYBE" person. I conduct alot of business over the phone, and I have spoken with people who never place an order, but they call me first.

I also have a laptop set up in the production area, so if I'm not in the office, I can still answer emails almost immediately. When I used to call people back that had never ordered, EVERY call was someone who wanted a special deal or was trying to find out info as to how I did something. And they were pretty rude about it too. I feel if they can take the time to email you to call them, they can ask their questions too. I'd be more than willing to answer.

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I'd call just to see what they wanted. Could be they just want to talk to a live person or couldn't find the answer they wanted on your website. Just prepare yourself ahead of time for what you are willing or not to do so you don't get talked into something 'exclusive' for this person.

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I'd call just to see what they wanted. Could be they just want to talk to a live person or couldn't find the answer they wanted on your website. Just prepare yourself ahead of time for what you are willing or not to do so you don't get talked into something 'exclusive' for this person.

Sorry Candybee, I just don't get it, why couldn't he or she write the questions in the email?

I agree with Bernadette maybe this person wants a "special treatment" and I think it's better not to even start or it will be like a black cat scratching your butt.

I had a man registering on my site twice. Both times he placed an order.

First time (past july) he asked to pay on delivery, and I said no.

Never had an answer.

Second time (past month) he placed another order and choose a bank payment, which I wait for before making the candles. Payment wasn't made in two weeks. I wrote to him and reminded him payment has to be made upfront.

Never had an answer, and I decide I did enough, I don't want to have a customer that is trouble everytime.

You want something, you ask. You get it, you pay.

Why should we lose our (short) time?

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An update - the scenerio that prompted this thread after much past frustration has ended successfully. I didn't call the person back. They took the time to read the answers on the website, and placed a sample order. They requested two regular colors and one custom color. I sent them an email thanking them for the order and telling them that I could not guarantee the custom color, as it was only 3 ozs. of product for that sample, but that it would not be a dark shade(she didn't want a dark color). She wrote back last night thanking me for taking the time to explain this to her, that she thought it was great customer service, and even sent a picture of the setup she hopes to use these in. So I think I will stick with the policy of not calling "would be" customers. I may lose a few potential customers, but I provide excellent customer service to actual customers which is why they come back and recommend me to others. There just aren't enough hours in the day to accomodate these requests.

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I am glad that it worked out. I have never called a stranger back and never well. When I first started this business, I did this and most times it was a waste of time. One time it was an unsettling experience. I had to deal with some horny man who I ended up hangking up on. :rolleyes2 I will call a previous customer. That is never an issue.

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I am glad it worked out for you. I have only had 1 or 2 in all the time I have done this-but sometimes people just want to speak to a real person-and not get my answering machine etc. I called and they asked the questions-and I got a new client that was neither high maintenance or a pain. Some people don't have long distance OR they didn't want to bother me while I might be in the middle of something.

Customer service used to mean something and I guess although I wouldn't call somewhere and ask for them to call me (as I have free long distance) I am open to calling "would be" customers. BUT I also understand where you are coming from.

And on a side note I have had a few call me-and caught me off guard or wanted something that wasn't on my site-I wish they had emailed me first....so I could have avoided the hassle.

Just depends on who you are I guess. :)

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I do have my phone number on my website but I rarely get calls.

Its almost always email.

The last one I had though was a bit odd. I wasn't there so they left a message and a number, when I rang back it was an automated system dial this for that or that for this etc, and I couldn't get through to the person who had left the message. Not sure if they gave me the wrong number or what happened there. Very odd.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've gotten those e-mails, but usually the person says that they don't feel comfortable placing the order over the internet. They give a reason why they want me to call them. I have no problem doing that as usually these orders are close to $100.00.

Heck, I just had a repeat order from a customer that started out that way, now she just calls me when she wants to place another order. She will only call from her home even, because she doesn't want to read her CC# over the phone where her cubicle neighbors may hear her.

Maybe just e-mail her/him and ask them if it was something that you could answer via email as you have a very busy work schedule and may not be able to call them during reasonable hours. I definitely would NOT ignore the request.

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