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Funny Story at my Craft Show This Weekend


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I did a two day craft show this weekend in Iowa. Well a lady I know was selling scentsey tarts and warmers. Well I wandered over to her and we started talking about tarts. She tells me that she likes there tarts better than the homemade ones I make. When I ask her why she tells me cause of the scents they make no one can dupelacate them. I told her that a good candlemaker probably could come very close to making one of there scents. She thought it was funny and said no way. Well needless to say I sold many melts this weekend and even to people who swear by scentsey. She was so mad and coulden't figure out why I sold more than her. She only had 1 sale that whole 2 days LOL :yay:

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Good for you dolphin!!

hee heee hee you put that snooty woman in her place :yay:

maybe the next show she sells at she will think twice before making a snide remark at someones hard work.

I just hate when someone tries to put down someones hard work. In september I an doing another big show and the same girl will be there LOL So it is gonna be interesting :cheesy2:

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I had a show this weekend and experienced scentsy reps. The reps were nice and were selling their clamshells for $5.00. Cold throw was not as good as mine, I might add. LOL.

But they were very nice girls and didn't have the bad Scentsy attitude that some have downplaying everyones else product.

They said they did not sell much and did not do well at this show.

I did good!! YEAH :laugh2:


China, Guam who knows where these are made??? :rolleyes2

Like you said, they do have a distributor center in Idaho but that's all I know.

Per the Founder :

As founder and CEO of Scentsy, Inc., Orville has guided the family-owned company to a national company growing 300 percent annually with more than 40,000 independent Consultants in North America, Puerto Rico and Guam.

Why would they have consultants in Guam unless they are marketing to tourists, or manufacturing there??


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I recently did a spring show where they let a scentsy rep in. I was surprised because this is traditionally a handcrafted items show only. Anyhoo-- I did well at the show. I never saw the scentsy reps actually sell anything but lots off people looked.

Thats very interesting-- I wonder where their products are actually made?!!

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They make their tarts in the US, still handmade too... no automation. As much as I dislike some of their reps, I have to give it to them.. they still run a very hands on, personal business (there was a news story where they showed the production facility, huge! Full of people.)

Their burners are made in China, thats where that rumor came from... the owners commented on "whole families" working there and the good work conditions.. its where their burners are produced. Ours are too..

I DO think that intimidation and rudeness to other competing businesses is a trait most of their best selling reps have.. because considering there are two scentsy reps per block here in Utah, they kinda have to. They are sugar sweet when they think you are a customer, but when they see you sell candles, they have nothing but nasty things to say. "You know wickless is the way to go because blah blah blah blah..." There are more scentsy stickers on the backs of cars than "I hate Obama" stickers. And there are alot of those too.

I dont sell Tarts because of that.. theres almost no point around here. Our walmart has tarts at the end of every aisle for only $1.50 or $2.00. They probably arent the best... but they are cheap. Thats what most people care about now, I've found.

Edited by LuminousBoutique
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Seems they're shooting themselves in the foot harping on wickless scents, because if not for the fire, what's to recommend melting wax vs even safer cold fragrance diffusers (or even plug-in type warm wick diffusers).

The warmers do look neat, but that's aside from any wax they're heating.

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Guam is US territory, and would be a good "halfway point" to other, further locations shipping-wise.


I had a show this weekend and experienced scentsy reps. The reps were nice and were selling their clamshells for $5.00. Cold throw was not as good as mine, I might add. LOL.

But they were very nice girls and didn't have the bad Scentsy attitude that some have downplaying everyones else product.

They said they did not sell much and did not do well at this show.

I did good!! YEAH :laugh2:



China, Guam who knows where these are made??? :rolleyes2

Like you said, they do have a distributor center in Idaho but that's all I know.

Per the Founder :

As founder and CEO of Scentsy, Inc., Orville has guided the family-owned company to a national company growing 300 percent annually with more than 40,000 independent Consultants in North America, Puerto Rico and Guam.

Why would they have consultants in Guam unless they are marketing to tourists, or manufacturing there??


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