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needed bigger 'cane molds

Pam W

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..for some special order 'canes so I went to a restaurant supply house & picked up these. The large round one is 7x9, the other is 6x6 and they worked great...in a water bath(sink) they cooled quickly and then slipped out with the greatest of ease.

I'm dying to try a rustic in the large one. :cheesy2:


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Awesome idea -- better hurricane molds than hurricane molds! They even have a nice lip to make it easier to get them in and out of the bath. I'll bet they're perfect too. My piece of tin crap wasn't even quite round anymore by the time it got to me. I just don't feel like wandering down to the restaurant supply district to hunt for them, so I'm gonna see if someone sells them online.

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you can certainly get them on line. One company is called Wasserstrom in Ohio.(only one I've dealt with) They service lots of fastfood places. http://www.wasserstrom.com/

These containers are super heavy duty. Pd $21 for the large one, it will last forever and I'll never cut myself while cleaning it ;) There are 2 supply places within a few miles of me and one of 'em sells used stuff so I'm gonna check them out too.

beauloser: don't you think this is a much better use for them than holding pickle slices??

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Top: they're storage/prep containers. I tried to get back into the site to get the exact link for you but it's down at the moment. Found some tart molds there too.

Kaybee; I'm sure they'd work, just don't know what FO & dye will do to the finish.. but since most 'cane are w/o FO & dye they'd probably be ok. AND they look considerably cheaper than the SS. In fact, I just realized I have one under my desk w/software in it - 10x12x4 - that would make a whopper, wouldn't it?

Edit: sorry Kaybee, I didn't check the 2nd & 3rd links you posted that show the SS containers. Those are pretty much the same thing --- that wine bucket is nice.

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Top, Not sure how many qts it holds - doesn't say on it but it would take at least a whole slab! The yellow shell I made is only 5" after leveling and I melted a whole presto pot full to start with. Of course, after pouring out the center I have enough wax left to make a 5" high, 3 wicker candle which is cooling in the pot now.

I'll run over to the supply store today and do some measuring. There was one a little smaller that I started to get but changed my mind at the last minute. I'll let you know the capacity of the different sizes.

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I never made it to the supply store -- but I did check the capacity of the big mold -- it holds exactly 5 of my 2lb pour pots - that's filled to the very rim. You can do the math from there since you're such a wiz at it. :)

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Don't have an insert (if your talking about the piece that inserts inside to form the wall) -I just pour out center when shell forms. If you mean the container itself it's polished - the cane comes out with a nice smooth surface. That's the 1st thing I checked before I bought it - ran my hand around the inside to make sure it was smooth & even.

One thing I noticed is that I get about 1/2-3/4" shrinkage from where my top pour line was to where it is when the cane is cooled. And I have to change the water bath half way thru cause it gets HOT!

Besides making the large canes, I've gotten a couple orders for candles this size...they take a full 24 hrs to set up...oh, well..

Edit: Top, I just pulled one out and looked at it in the sun lite and it is BRUSHED. You can see the brush marks it you look real close but you can't feel them.

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Look for small wastebaskets too! I have a small metal one that works great. I have also used bowls for large 6 wick candles. Start looking around and you will drive yourself crazy....pretty soon everything starts looking like a candle mold......I even painted the inside of ceramic molds with lots of varnish and made a bust of Thomas Jefferson.....just don't use a woven basket....doesn't work! LOL Donita

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Donita: my friends tease me cause I see a candle molds in darn near everything.

Pam, I know exactly where you're coming from. My big thing is finding pouring pots, and believe me, its quite a challenge. The last thing I bought is a huge metal measuring jug (and it works great!). Fun, isn't it? ;)

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We have those square ones at Taco Bell... hmm, wonder if they'll notice if I sneak one out. *lol* Just kidding! We also have big rectangular pans like that. They're probably about 11" x 6". We also have a few that are the same size as those, but they're only about 4" deep. Would be interesting. I've never seen a rectangular hurricane.

Oh, and the containers that hold the sour cream "guns" would be perfect pillar molds. I guess everything does start looking like a candle mold after a bit of thought.

*gets a duffle bag ready for work tomorrow night* :cool2:

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Donna, the square one in the pic came from Wendy's and my favorite and most used tool is a metal mayo spreader -- from the same place. Their styrofoam coffee cups are great for storing leftover wax. Even filtered some raw beeswax thru one of their deepfryer filters. Have a friend who manages a TB, I'll have to ask him about the sour cream thingy :cool2:

Used restaurant supply stores are great places to browse.

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