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How old is too old for a FO?


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Well, I poured some Mardi Gras FO I bought from Missy's Candles (the original not the Mr. rebirth) at least 7 years ago. I have it burning in my living room now with 2 ceiling fans and the throw is unbelievable. No change in the scent whatsoever. My oils are stored in my warehouse which is out of sunlight but is subjected to the temp. variables here in the deep south.

OOB the oil smelt fine so I thought I'd try it since I had 2/3's of a # bottle and was making some Saints candles for Sunday's game...so the scent seemed appropriate. I figured it might have lost some of it's ummph but not a lick. Great quality oils I guess last forever. This is one reason I miss Missy's so much.

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The first samples I got were from Candle Sience when they sold them in glass bottles about 3 years ago. They still smell great oob. But I do have some in plastic I got from others that are questionable... can't believe I've held on to them for over 5 years.

Gotten into the habit of ordering several pounds when they are on sale. I may keep one in the plastic if I'm going to do a large pour but the rest I'll repour into amber glass bottles.

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There are a few I have like this one. Red clover tea from Missy's....had a big following...ordered a bunch for stock...and bam all of a sudden no body ordered it anymore but it's still a fav of mine. I think I still have a pound of it and it's still good. These are all in those white plastic bottles. Not one of them has a split in them...unlike BCN bottles that split after 1 year.

Vanilla's are the bad group in school. They make soap brown....they cause wick issues....but they comfort so well!!!!

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You'll know when it's too old. The smell is completely off and often triggers a gag reflex or one of those detestable, piu (PU or peeyou) smells. Life of a fragrance seems to vary. Oddly, some bought a year ago did go way south and some I've had for 7 to 8 years have been fine.

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as with EOs, some FOs are more stable than others.

doesn't really speak to the quality of the oil, but to what chemicals are blended to create the scent and how stable they are on their own and in the mix.

and of course storage matters too. dark, constant temps, small headspace, glass are all helpful.

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I have oils that are 3 and 4 yrs old that smell the same as the day I got them. And they are in plastic bottles too. I store my oils out of the light on metal shelving units and in their original containers be it amber glass or clear plastic. I have only had 1 fragrance that changed on me and it was only 6 mos. old.

I say if it smells good go ahead and use it. I never throw out my old FOs. At least not until I smell one that has changed on me.

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