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I just finished my craftshow that I have been selling at for the passed 6 years and the people that run the show accused me of buying my products from a manufacturer and reselling them. I bought new displays this year and my booth looks a lot better for the limited space I have, but I didn't think my stuff looked so good that somone would think my stuff is manufactured and not handmade. I am so blown away.

I sent the ladies that run the craftshow my old websites that are still out there. I don't know if I am mad or flattered that my products look that good. What else can I do to prove my products are made by me. I don't want them to kick me out of the show next year.. Help.....

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I have a little pocket sized photo album and took pics of different parts of the process (wicking jars, freshly poured jars (with supplies on workbench - just make sure to turn anything you have out so the labels are not visible in pic), etc to show the process to prove I made things myself. I can whip it out at a show anytime someone gives me a hard time about that. It typically shuts them up pretty quickly.

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You know how it goes...there was probably someone else there trying to sell candles but not having any luck, so they were looking for a scapegoat and told the organizers that your stuff wasn't handmade.

Turn the situation into a positive for you. Wouldn't that make a nice story for a blog, or other marketing purposes.."Candles so perfect, no one believes they are handmade."

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Here's an evil thought:

Make a video where you give a tour of your work area, start in the driveway, with you getting out of the car. Introduce yourself and walk inside to the shop area, taping the whole way.

You get out of the car, look into the camera and say, "Hi, my name is _____, recently some other craft show exhibitors, who are trying to sell inferior products, have accused me of buying my candles from a factory and reselling them."

Then, with a conspiratorial whisper, as you step closer to the camera," I guess it's because mine are better than people of their skills can produce."

"So, I thought I'd give you a quick tour and a little demonstration."

Show your hubby or kids zonked out on the couch, as you go through the house to get to the work area. Show the work area, supply storage and such. Maybe pour a candle, while you're in there. You could do it like they do on cooking shows where you have 4 of the same candle at different stages of completion. One that you're just about to pour. Another waiting for repour. Another ready to demold.

Close by saying, "If any of the craft show organizers still have questions, I have invoices and credit card statements to show where I've bought my materials." "Thanks for stopping by!"

Have that playing in your booth, at the craft show next year.

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Well, I would not be flattered at all. I just do not take kindly to being accused of anything. I find that very offensive- particularly from people who should be executing professionalism. I cannot imagine accusing a vendor of such a thing, even if I believed it to be true. I would shut their asses up and fast by not only showing them my work shop in photos, but by hand making something in their presences from start to finish. I would make them feel ashamed and stupid. I would continue to sell there because business is business. However, I would make sure they understood that their conduct is not acceptable in the slightest.

I also wanted to add that I would never show anyone my suppliers. That is personal information in my opinion and none of their darn business. A full demonstration is in order in my opinion.

Edited by Noodle
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I also wanted to add that I would never show anyone my suppliers. That is personal information in my opinion and none of their darn business.

I wouldn't give that info to the other exhibitors. Wouldn't bother me to show it to the organizers. Less trouble than the demonstration. Just showing them an invoice for the wax would most likely sooth their qualms.

Probably best to just ask the organizers what they need.

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I might be flattered that they thought my product looked that great , but very unhappy with the rest of their comments . You've been selling there for 6 years and all of a sudden this happens ??

I have heard of this happening to a soap maker . Someone told the organizers she bought her product . They arranged to come to her house and watch her make soap . The woman that insisted she see the soap being made ended up sending her husband to the soapers house .She did prove it to them . It is ridiculous imho , totally ridiculous .

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show us a pic...we will be the judges LOL. SHpw promoters have no idcea what is handmade and what is not! They have to take the word of the vendor unless someone can prove otherwise, thats just general curtiosy. I've turned a few in for having mass goods, only to have them do nothing. What really gets me is when I go to a show and see my products there in someone elses booth :laugh2:

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I think we should all get one of your candles so we can judge their awesomeness and handmadeness for ourselves. :P

Sounds like someone was just jealous. I had some guy come up to my booth once and try to give me a lesson on how I should do my labels and how I should package my products. He told me he and his wife were some big deal in candles and he'd put 2 other ladys out of business, blah, blah, blah. Just a wind bag. Stood and bugged me for over an hour. I came home and searched his company on the internet, not one hit. Not one! What a jackass.


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The real question that you should be caring about is...

...did your candles sell...better or worse than previous years, with your new look?

Did you make more money?

If they want to kick you out of their craft show because you display doesn't look "primitive enough" or whatever...Then I say heck with them...get creative and prove to them that you don't need their stinking craft show to sell your candles.

Don't let them break your spirit!


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I agree about an insulting compliment. However, the accused part is what I do not like at all. If other vendors complained, who cares? It does not give the promoter the right to accuse a person unless they have hard facts. I think that is really rotten.

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I am so relieved.....She viewed my old websites that are still around on the web. She accepted them and apologized and hoped that I wasn't offended. I just told her I understand. But with all of everyone's great ideas I am going to video and take pics. so there won't ever be any misunderstanding. I really think the lady next to me complained because we both had potpourri and she didn't want the competition. I was nice to her but she just turned her nose up at my stuff. It was ridiculous she was new to the show and told everyone she grew her own rosehips (possible, but I don't think so) there was bins full of them and harvested them all year. I know for a fact since we have all seasons you can't harvest rosehips all year. Around here the only time you can pick them is in Sept/Oct. before they freeze.... I don't ever want to be near her again. She only took the spot because the lady that has that spot was sick.

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