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Pricing Help Pleeeeeeease

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I have made a 3lb candle in a LOVELY glass rectangular container. I will post a picture, but I need help on a price!

It is 8" long, 4" wide, and 4" deep

3lbs, or 1.4kg of wax in it!

Container cost was $10

Please please help! One lady told me over $100, and another said only $55... so I need some help. (keep in mind this is in Canadian Dollars)


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I also think the candle is very pretty and hope that you get what you want for it. I am still new to all of this but have heard numerous times for pricing exactly what the other members are saying, to figure out your costs and multiply by three.

Are each of the colored layers a different scent or are they they same scent in 3 different colors?

Good luck!!!


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Thank you all for the compliments and help! This candle bottom sage green layer is Christmas Memories (NG), Middle Layer is Winter Wonderland (C&S), and the top Mauve layer is Cinnamon Apple Berry (C&S) It smells divine!!! When I was making it... it put me into the Christmas mood!!

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Blimey! Thats huge! (said the actress to the vicar :laugh2:) Soo pretty too. How long does that burn for? Surely you would have to include in the price the wax and f/o used for the test burn too? Thats why I gave up making the 6" 3 wick pillars it cost soo much to test burn the flippin thing :angry2: and I never could wick the monster right! It beat me :sad2:


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Thank you all for the compliments and help! This candle bottom sage green layer is Christmas Memories (NG), Middle Layer is Winter Wonderland (C&S), and the top Mauve layer is Cinnamon Apple Berry (C&S) It smells divine!!! When I was making it... it put me into the Christmas mood!!

Oh I bet it is going to smell fantastic then!!!!! When you decide what you are going to ask for it let us know.



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