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wahmshoppes vs designer 218 help w decision


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Hi Everyone,

I would like to know of your experiences with either of these i.e. why you like the one you like, how is the customer service, ease of site set up for you. I have narrowed it down to these 2 places based on recommendations but still having a hard time choosing.

Thanks for any input.

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Well, right now I'm opening up another site using Designer 218 and working with Mandi is great! She's very helpful, and so far, has been with me every step of the way, from choosing website template and full of information....I'm still not ready to "set it up" with my products, but I do know that she will be there to help me.

She's quick to respond and is so friendly!

I took everyone else's advice on this board and I'm glad I did!


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Well I am definitely happy with WAHMShoppes! You can't beat the value for 7 bucks a month! You get the same features as DIY estores only you don't have to pay the 20+ dollars a MONTH! I am one very satisfied customer. I honestly haven't even heard of that other place until I read this thread.

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If you are not HTML or computer savvy DEFINITELY go with Designer 218. I have used both and WAHM gave me horrible fits. :mad: The customer service at WAHM is a forum that is not often quick to reply nor was very helpful for me !! I despised it horribly. Just my 2 cents . .

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Hands down...Designer 218. I was with WAHMShoppes for 5 yers and the customer service STINKS. You don't get replies to trouble tickets cause as Tony constantly stated "he was a one man operation". Well since I switched to Mandi's service last year I have been 100%+ satisfied with my service. I have never waited more than 4 hours (at the most) for a response to a question. IMO, spending a little bit more is worth it....you get what you pay for.

Good luck!

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I used wahmshoppes from 2001-2004. I had no problem with them. Tony got back to me right away and explained what to do in step by step details I could understand. I closed my business in 2004. Last year I wanted to start up a direct sales business and tried to open an account with wahm again. Never got a reply so I went with Momwebs (3 mos for $15). Then the business closed. I am back to my own crafting now...no website yet. I have never heard of designer218.


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I am also with Designer 218 and Mandi is the best!! I do not have HTML experience and when I got stuck, she responded to my questions quickly. It seems like a daunting task, but once you get in there and work through it, you will be able to edit/change your web site with ease. Good luck!!


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