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Craft Show Candle Question

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I've only done 2 shows last year and signed up immediately to do it again this year...I'm already regretting this decision but who knows, it will get me back into my work room. You guys have seen my stuff...I usually never do just plain tarts...always something decorative that will go with the scent. Based on your experiences would bagged asst tarts do better or worse than clamshells? I normally only poured clamshells to go with those little coffee cup warmers that we all bought a couple of years ago...but I'm not sure if, for example, pouring a clamshell of apple pie tarts would sell as well as little pie shaped tarts...anyone??? thanks all, ann marie

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I love craft shows and from a customer perspective (at least me) i think your unique tarts will draw attention and if the price was competable with the plain clam shells, I would buy the tarts. If price was the deciding factor for me and I just wanted something great smelling to melt a plain clamshell/tart would do. HTH

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I'm on the other side of the fence. I used to make some shaped tarts, but now make clamshells almost exclusively and they sell really well, and are so much easier to make, handle, and transport. For me, I buy a melt to....well, melt, not to sit around and be pretty. I'm not saying they're not cute; they are; I just feel like I am paying for "cute" and I'd rather pay for fragrance. It can't hurt to try some of both and see what does better in your area. HTH!

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I've only made the clamshell and they didn't sell all that well for me. But your fancy ones are really cute and that's what I would buy for a gift. For myself I don't need fancy so I buy plain clamshells. So take both. You never know which kind of customer you'll get.

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I go to a lot of festivals and shows, I have a three day one this weekend. Where I am from tarts are best sellers. My customers seem to like a variety. I sell 1 oz tarts for 1.00 or 6 for 5.00 at a show. Usually the 6 for 5.00 goes very well. Usually all 6 tarts are different scents. Clamshells are good for a person who wants the same scent but in my area they want variety. Hope your show is successful.


Edited by hotmama2700
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I tried clamshells several years ago and they never sold good for me. People do seem to want a variety when they buy tarts. I have also learned that it all depends on the area for me. The craft shows that I've attended in the southern part of my state buy tarts like crazy. The town I live in now and the surrounding towns love candles and usually don't go for the tarts.

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thanks all, I think because I have so many molds that I'll do decorative tarts because if they have a great scent throw (and they should if I know what I'm doing) I think customers are inclined to put them in dishes. I've bought so many glasses, tubs, tin and glass chotchkies I might just sell my pumpkin souffle scent in little pumpkins, caramel apple scent in small apples and I think I will be pouring a lot of pie tarts also. But I still have about 25 clamshells that I will fill..it will be a good way to test which sells better. In my community I sell usually just plain fluted tarts but this craft show is in a well to do area of wny and no one balked at my soap prices last year and I only brought a few candles. My soaps were what I focused on...but thanks for the feedback. Hubby is going to learn how to pour roses and tulips this year because the show is the 17th and last year by this time I was almost thru pouring. Thanks for everything, wish me luck

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I had a craft fair today, and I have a major story to tell. Every Friday like clockwork I bring normal melts... last Friday I did up some fancy ones (as you saw in the photo). They sold alright.

THIS Friday... I took these tart melters with me.... and sold almost 40 melts!!!!

I would like to send these people ALL of the business I can as they are AMAZING to deal with, and the quality is UNREAL! Way more classy and beautiful than I expected for the warmers.

Here is the site, and the gentleman's name is Marc. He is a dream to deal with.

Tell him I sent you please! :)



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