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Does anyone carry a good Indian Summer??

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I made a 3x31/2" feather and starburst pillar using NG Indian Summer. Although it smells fairly strong from the bottle, I get very little CT or HT from it. If that weren't bad enough, I am on my 3rd 3 to 4 hour burn, and it seems to be burning straight down, burning outwards very little. I know things can change in future burns, but all the pillars I have test burned, none have burned anything like this one. I used 1/2 feather and 1/2 starburst palm, csn 12 wick, 5% FO. Is there something about the palm combo that needs to be wicked differently? This pillar turned out so beautiful, I am hoping to be able to find a stronger FO (if possible) and figure out the wicking. Thanks everyone!:cheesy2:

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Try a CDN 12-14 for 3" diameter round palm wax pillars. Mixing the waxes won't cause a major explosion, but it certainly could affect your wicking enough to cause a difference in the throw. While palm wax generally has very good hot throw properties, there are some FOs that just don't do as well in it as they do in soy. Did you use any palm stearic acid? I find that 1 tablespoonful per pound in pillar (not container!) palm wax helps with several palm wax issues...

Palm wax pillars do burn straight down, then out. Sometimes, I get a little freaked out about halfway through and am thinking about wicking up, but when I burn all the way down, the sides slowly become thinner, and thinner and thinner... What ya DON'T want is a blowout, so burn it all the way down before you decide that you need to wick up!!

A week's cure should have been sufficient... One way to tell is to take the leftover wax after you finish testing and throw it in a tart melter and see how THAT throws. If the melter throws better than your candle did, you know it's not the curing, FO or wax - it's the wicking. ;)

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I can't help on the wicking, but sometimes the FO needs the full 1.5 oz./lb to throw decently. I personally don't use many NG FO's as I find most of them to be pretty weak in my parasoy wax. :cool2:

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Thank you Chris and Stella. No Stella, I didn't use the palm stearic acid. I have some, just never used it. I'll finish burning this pillar and see what the end result is. I probably am just behind everyone else with ideas, but after I test burned 3 pillars I thought what do I do with them now? Well, why not break them up and use them in my tart warmers! I thought I had come up with some kind of new invention! LOL! Silly me! Chris, I will try adding more FO on my next one. I know some FO's just aren't going to do as well as others, but this one just seemed like it would be a good one for early fall! Thanks again! :cheesy2:

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