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Omg, Foho??

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I cleaned out my candle room ealrier this month, and got rid of all the old 1oz bottles..

Some stank!! They were 5 years+ old..

I had maybe 150 or so, but to have 796 and 1000!~~ Holy Crap, you girls need to start going to FOHO meetings to get a grip girl!!!!:laugh2:

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I don't even want to count all mine. I decided to clean out the old ones about 3 months ago. I bet I threw away 100 bottle, just because I didn't like them. Not samples, bottles. I thought about that later. That wasn't very smart. I could have sold them. I got one small room pretty full of oils. I am addicted. I do know that. I am sitting here thinking about ordering something new. I get tired of the same things. What I need to do is make some new blends out of what I have. But oh no, that is not good enough. I want a new bottle of something coming in. It is so exciting to get something new on the way. That is the problem. If we could get our customers this addicted, we would be Rich, Rich,Rich.:yay:

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No kidding Debra!! That would solve all of our problems!lol And we would be justified!!!lol

I must say I have gotten worse..especially since some of my US friends help me out on that with the US Suppliers! (Not mentioning any names..you know who you are!Lol.

At some point I want to update my lists, add some and get rid of some....

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I just counted all my oils and I can't believe it, counting my 1oz samples, I have 796 bottles....is that sick or what??? No wonder my hubby just put the axe to me!!:)) Please tell me there are others as sick as me!!!!!!!!



Geez woman, you ARE sick! LOL

I think you should catagorize them and send me all the florals :laugh2: Then hubby would remove your head from the guillotine!

See, problem solved.

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I am with Island girl. I have about 150 1 ouncers. I thought I needed HELP but see I am OK. I have my basement full of FO's and 2 bookcases of them but have NO idea where I could put more. One corner of my full basement is all candle stuff.It is a very large area.

I am going for the 8 ounce and 16 ounce.I would be testing for the rest of my life if I had that many 1 ouncers. This year I am discontinuing some scents and adding new ones.Will then have more samples to find room for. I will do my best to go with maybe 20.

I did think I needed to find a support group but not now!!!!!!!!! :laugh2:


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I'm happy to report that you all are worse than I am! It's been tough, but I've restrained from buying so many fragrances this year. Those 1 ozers shouldn't count, so that should save you hurt on the throat.

I'm taking the easy road out this year. I refuse to count.

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You're so right, it's just a smell. But I've always been a scent freak, at least for good scents. I just started a few months ago, and I'm already addicted. There's only a few hundred more that I want to try, lol. So all of you Foho's, how many of them do you dislike? I have a little stash already of "didn't care fors."

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