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Votive makers: can you suggest something hotter than LX-14 but cooler than LX-16?

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In 50/50 wax (from Kentucky Candle and Just Scent). LX-14s aren't throwing enough but LX-16 is too hot on the glass and too deep melt pool. I won't use zinc but I'm open to any other recommendations you have.

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What's your beef with zinc?

Maybe get some samples of cottons or HTPs, but not thinking they're as hot as LX. For the record, I don't use your wax, but those are the two I would likely try next and I might consider one other, short of CDs, but I can't think of the wick now dang it ... I don't use them any more but R something.

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Have you tried the wickit series? I use LX's in my paraffin votives but when I find a scent that seems to need something in between 2 LX sizes I've found the Wick-It 700 series does well for me.

I haven't tried them in that wax blend or even with soy at all. They used to offer sample packs of their wicks for free (not sure if they do anymore).

Might be something worth looking in to.

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What's your beef with zinc?

Drag nasty black blobs on the ends falling off in my wax! :P

I'll check out the other ideas. homecomfort, I did a search for wickit and found a wick chart on their site that said RRD 40 and RRD 47 might work for votives, and I've got both of those so I'm going to try them. I thought they were too big based on another wick chart somewhere. So you helped me even if I don't get the wicks you mentioned. :yay:

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I would try ECO 1

I second the Eco 1. A couple other wicks to try could be a CD 4 or 5, or a filtec 1.6 or 1.651. I really like filtec ultra core for votives cuz they are very straight wicks and allow the votive to burn straight down in a tight fitting holder. I don't use your wax either but these wicks burn similar to the lx sizes you mentioned.

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Wait, I did have the same chart you were talking about. If you look at the RRD section, it says RRD 40 and 47 for 2"-3" containers. Votives fit that category, which is probably why Candlewic recommended I try them.

And I did today, and RRD 40 is just toooooo hot so I didn't bother with the 47. I think if it were an all soy votive they might work, but not in this half paraffin / half soy blend.

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