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Good Container Wax- J50 (4636)?

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Ok, I have been trying to research a good container wax but a lot of the posts are from 2005 and 2006. I don't want to make a bad decision due to waxes changing in the last few years.

I originally had thought that J50 (4636) would be a good choice because of it's one pour ability and great scent throw, but then I saw a lot about nasty wet spots on jars. I was also considering the comfort container blend. Any suggestions?

When was it that IGI bought out Asrolite? I heard some of the waxes changed after this buy out? At least that's what I am reading in the old posts.

I plan on pouring 8 oz jj with this wax and have not tried container candles yet. Thanks.

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Carrie- How much soy do you use? Any particular type of soy?


So on the JS 50/50 does anyone else use that? I heard it does make a great looking candle but the only bad parts I have heard was about the scent throw...so you think it is good?

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Leah- Yeah I am now leaning back towards the comfort blend (4627). I was originally going to use that wax until I saw some good things about J50, but now I don't think I really want to try j50 after hearing about the "wet spots" and formula changes.

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I used J 50 in the beginning but switched to J223, still get great HT which is number one priority to me. Wet spots some, but that doesn't bother me, sink holes now there are a pita but I deal with them, just smooth everything out with heta gun.

You can't beat the throw in J50 and J223.

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I use approx. 5# of ez soy or CB adv per case of 6006. It actually helps with some sink holes I get periodically and wet spots (though 6006 has very few wetspots, I don't want any! LOL) and makes it creamier looking IMO.



Carrie- How much soy do you use? Any particular type of soy?


So on the JS 50/50 does anyone else use that? I heard it does make a great looking candle but the only bad parts I have heard was about the scent throw...so you think it is good?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm using 4627 and I really love it. I have not tried other waxes, still a lil nub at this. But I have a 1700 sq foot house- my kitchen, dining and great room are all open together and the scent throw is awesome, you can smell the candles everywhere in the house. I also add about a tablespoon of shortening per pound of wax because I like how it firms up the wax just a touch - not quite as "gooey" while burning.

Good Luck!


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What kind of wicks are you using? I was thinking of starting with LX's or zincs. I've tried 6006, and 4630 as well as a few soy waxes. I just couldn't get the scent throw I was looking for. I'm a nub too, so I think a lot of my problem with throw is in my wicking, although I've tested many. Thanks for the feedback!


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I am using HTP. I use 8oz balmoral jars and the 105 gets a good melt pool and it burns clean all the way down. Having more trouble with my 16oz apothecary - 1212 is leaving a bit of hangup on one side and I never did get a full side to side melt pool. Hesitant to try the 1312 as I read that it is a torch! :) I am going to try testing a double wick on it this week with 2 105's. The scent throw with the 1212 is awesome tho.

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oh and wet spots, I have one scent that I poured 5 of the 8 oz balmoral jars and none have wet spots, even a couple weeks later. but then I have another scent I poured ... well, double poured it for 2 colors... and they all have wet spots.Trying to figure out why, but I suspect it has something to do with the double pour... maybe I didnt heat the top portion of the jars enough.

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Hey Lisa,

Well I went back and forth a lot...but ultimately decided to go with a wax from the supplier closest to me because shipping was so much cheaper. It's Acu-para 30...a parafin and soy blend...more prafin than soy. I so far have cut it up into 1 lb blocks and I am waiting on my "master wick" sample pack from Lonestar before I start testing. I want to make sure I have everything so I can do some systematic testing.

I am sure the scent throw on J50 and 4627 are awesome from what I hear, but I need to think economically too. So I am going to give this wax a good try. It is nice and soft but still in slab form so easier to work with I think than a big blob of thick vaseline. Looks nice and creamy. And it says it can hold 15% FO...wow...I will be trying 6% to start. This seems like a waste if it actually needed 15% to throw well...then it would probably be better to pay the extra shipping for something else.

Keep us updated on what you decide and how your tests go.


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Thanks for all of the info. I have a bunch of HTP's if I decide to try the 4627. What % of FO are you using? I'm also a little afraid of the messy part that people talk about. What are the dimensions of the Balmoral jar? I didn't see them listed on Fairway's site. I want to see how thay compare to the Bean Pot by Libbey. I have a few to start testing. Sorry for all of the questions, TA.


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This wax sounds interesting. Yeah, sure hope it doesn't take more than 8 or 10 percent to get a good throw. I wish there was a supplier close to me to save on shipping. Plus it would be fun to browse the store for all of the goodies. Can't wait to hear how the testing goes, especially with the woodwicks

Good Luck:)

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Balmoral jar that I use - http://www.candlewic.com/store/Product.aspx?q=c24,p1042

I use a smidge over 1 oz per pound of wax for the fragrance - 1.05oz (by weight). I admit that I am bad about not being precise with my amount and I think what I use is around 6%, but for some reason I cannot wrap my head around figuring out the percentages in ounces. I need to find a good formula to use :) my scent throw is awesome tho, so I think it doesn't take a lot. Maybe on some lighter scents you will need to use more.

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dreamfarie- to figure out the percent here is a way I found to do it.

Figure out the % FO you want...so 6%. Then you convert this to decimal...so 0.06. Take 1 and subtract that decimal number to equal your "divider number"...so in this case 0.94. This is your "divider". Now here is the formula from there...

Number of wax ounces you are using divided by the divider number = the number of ounces of FO (or other additive)

wax oz

_________ = additive oz

divider #

Hope this helps.

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dreamfarie- to figure out the percent here is a way I found to do it.

Figure out the % FO you want...so 6%. Then you convert this to decimal...so 0.06. Take 1 and subtract that decimal number to equal your "divider number"...so in this case 0.94. This is your "divider". Now here is the formula from there...

Number of wax ounces you are using divided by the divider number = the number of ounces of FO (or other additive)

wax oz

_________ = additive oz

divider #

Hope this helps.

thank you but I must be thick... I tried 16 (for 16 oz) divided by .94 and got 17.21. Am I missing decimals somewhere?


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dreamfarie- to figure out the percent here is a way I found to do it.

Figure out the % FO you want...so 6%. Then you convert this to decimal...so 0.06. Take 1 and subtract that decimal number to equal your "divider number"...so in this case 0.94. This is your "divider". Now here is the formula from there...

Number of wax ounces you are using divided by the divider number = the number of ounces of FO (or other additive)

wax oz

_________ = additive oz

divider #

Hope this helps.

:confused: Are you sure that's right? Unless I did something wrong on my calculator, using the numbers in your example gives me 17oz FO for 16oz wax.

The way I do it is convert the percentage to a decimal, then multiply that decimal by my oz in wax. So 16oz wax * .06 = .96 oz FO to use, or roughtly 1oz FO per pound of wax at 6%.

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Woops...sorry...forgot the last part of the formula... lol

That's what I get for working night shift. :laugh2:

ok then you have to take the number ounces of wax again and subtract this final number. So in this case take the 17.02 number and subtract 16 which is your original amount of wax...this will give you the end additive amount of 1.02 oz of additive for 6% with 16 oz wax.

# oz wax

_________ = x THEN x - # ox waz= total additive

divider number

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Yeah I think the only real difference between our 2 different formulas is that mine calculates it based on on the total volume after scent is added. That's why the numbers are slightly different. I don't think it would really make a difference with a small batch, but more of a difference with a large batch.

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