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Good Container Wax- J50 (4636)?

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I'm going to throw in my anal view of fragrance percents into the mix. If you add 6 percent of oil to any amount of wax the end candle will only contain 5.66 percent fragrance oil. If you have 5 lbs of wax (80oz) x 6% = 4.8oz oil. your end candles will weigh 84.8 oz (the amount of wax plus the weight of oil. )

4.8 divided by the total weight of 84.8 is 5.66% So your end candle are not 6% fragrance oil. Just a little info that some of you might have not take into consideration.


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That's the difference of my formula I guess. It does take this into account.

80 oz wax

_________ = 85.1 Then 85.1-80= 5.1 oz FO

.94 (the 6% divider number)

For 6% total FO

Your correct, I just thought most of the new ones had never thought of it as percent of total candle weight.


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Your correct, I just thought most of the new ones had never thought of it as percent of total candle weight.


So you are saying that the % FO and other additives is supposed to take total weight of the finished candle into account? I had always figured it was based on the amount of wax, so the 16oz wax X 6% FO version was what I typically used. I can see where it should go by the total weight of the completed mixture rather than the total weight of the raw wax...interesting.

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As far as the wax issues ... what I started using was the joy wax/wow wax.

I used to only use the soy by itsself.I know they had some troubles with some bad batches.And I contacted Candle Pro...And was told that they have tested the new batches thuroughly..And it is doing very well now.I was very sceptical to try it..But when I did,it was so awesome.no heating jars,first pour just as it states..Creamy smooth finish and really good throw.I think the 6006 with soy mixed works really good also.I am interested in hearing more about the acupara,i think its called.Or the website of where to get it..

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Yeah, I am pretty sure that when you say your candles are 6% FO, that you are saying that the FO equals 6% of the TOTAL weight of the candle. So you would use the more accurate calculation otherwise it doesn't take into account the total weight of the wax. Correct me if i am wrong.

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