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Waiting for my first supplies!! Nervous!

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Hi everyone!

I ordered my first supplies Sunday night...A votive starter kit from Lonestar and some liquid dyes and other FOs, I also order some container wax, wick sample pack, liquid dyes and FO's from Peak.

They should be here tomorrow or the next day and I'm trying to get ready because I know I will want to make my first ones as soon as it gets here!lol

I want to ask a few questions about that first time....

First off, if I don't want to make 1 lb of wax all the same FO can I do 1/2 pound? If so how do you measure the FO...I have a digital scale.

Can I melt 2 or more lbs at a time in my presto pot and reheat it numerous times if I'm only pouring about 1/2 lb batches??

I cleaned my kitchen yesturday and set up my card table and made myself room for a small work space.

I think I had a few more questions, but now I forgot! lol Sorry this is so long

I guess I'm just getting a bit nervous about them finally getting here...I don't want to totally screw up on the first attempt!


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I the way I did it (and still do - and the savvy ones here can correct me...please) is to figure out how much wax will fill the particular container I'm using. If I'm using an 8 oz. container, I only want to melt 6.5 ozs. (I weigh it on my mail scale) and then figure out the portions of my additives. There is a way where you can weigh the container empty, fill it with water to the point where you will pour the wax, and then weigh it again. This should tell you the weight of the wax you need to melt. I don't use that method. I don't weigh my FO - I use Tablespoons and teaspoon measurements. 2 Tbsp. is about one oz. FO. The 6.5 (you can always melt more wax- 7 ozs. for good measure) will allow for a second pour if you need it. OKAY PROFESSIONALS! YOU CAN CORRECT ME HERE...I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW AS WELL!

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Hey Mindy...Congratulations on your first order. Sounds like you have your ducks all lined up.

Yes you can melt a bunch of wax at one time in the presto pot and reheat it. I use palm and soy wax.

I also measure my fragrance oil by the Tblsp. I've done this from the beginning.

Take a deep breath and start slow. Try your best to get the votives down before starting another kind of candle.

Have fun.

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Thanks for the replies! I have no one that I know that has ever tried anything like this so I have no one to talk to....I am SOOO GLAD I found this place!!

Lindanelson - Thank you! I will definately try to master the votives first but thought I would order some container wax because I was ordering the sample pack sents and a few other things and shipping really sucks! lol so, I thought I would just go ahead and get it all at once :)

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Why not do it the correct way; then you don't have to wonder. Candlemakers measure everything by weight. Get a small pouring pot and measure 8 ozs of wax, then measure up to .8 ozs of FO, mix together, add dye and then pour. It's all done by weight. See, that was not so hard. Carole

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Thanks Carole. I was trying to think of a simplier way to tell her, and you hit it. I was getting confused with those directions. I just realized I have never made that small of batch before. I have never used a teaspoon. My smallest batch is 2lbs. I thought that was small. Good luck Mindy. I am usually running labels and watching my website during the day. If you need some quick help email me at debsoldfashion@aol.com. I have a lot of experience and don't mind helping you if I can. :confused:

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Mindy, get ready for that small card table to take over your whole kitchen! LOL Also, you might want to consider going ahead and making a whole pound of your first scent. I melt one pound of wax, add 1.5 ounce of oil (by weight) and then dye. (Some people do this differently so that the total weight of the container with oil included is one pound - whichever way you do it, stay consistent or you wicking may be off). That way, you have plenty to play around with different wicks and you won't have to stop to make more wax. Testing takes more wax than you think. Good luck and enjoy the process. BTW, your house is going to smell great!


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Thank you! That all does sound a little less confusing....

Debra - I might just take you up on that!

I bought the scale because I thought everything was supposed to be done by weight, so now I know it does....even the FO. Thank you!

Oh, is the small dixie cups a good thing to measure the FO in?? I thought I read that somewhere but I can't remember.

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The paper dixie cups are okay but only if you are measuring and immediately pouring the oil into your wax. If you let it sit too long, the oil will eat through. Plastic dixie cups are not recommended.

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Thanks, that's what I needed to know:) I have a whole box of the paper ones!

I will just have to watch how early I plan to measure...I am one of those people that usually will have it measured out and ready to pour, so I just have to make sure I don't do it to early.

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Hey Mindy, if you have the wax coated dixie cups they will be fine for awhile if you want to measure your FO before hand. Otherwise if you have regular paper or plastic the FO will seep or eat through.

Definitely weigh everything, that will give you your best measurements and it will make it easy for you to figure out what you need for each project.

You can reheat your wax as many times as you need to.

Get a notebook to write all your notes in, you will find that invaluable.

You'll do fine. Take your time and have fun!


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Thanks Kim! I think I have the wax coated ones, but I'll have to check and make sure :)

I am going to find me a good notebook today...I have a lot of them around but I have to go in my closet and find one today!

I guess I'm lucky that I like to write and try organize stuff! lol

I have been tracking my orders like crazy! lol I can't wait until they get here I think they should be here today or tomorrow! YAY :)

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I add my FO directly to the pour pot containing wax, which I have weighed & tared. No more Dixie cups or shot glasses!

Do put a potholder on the scale (then tare) so the heat from the pour pot doesn't damage the scale's electronic insides. :)

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You can reheat your wax as many times as you need to.

I have found this not to be true. Re-heating wax over and over again can change the appearance of the wax. Specifically I am talking about my experience with IGI 4625.

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Getting a new shipment in the mail is like opening a Christmas package.. even after doing this for a few years it's still a thrill.

How much you can reheat wax can vary on what type, how hot you get it and how long it's been cooking. I use 4625 as well and I've never had the appearance change myself.

Go slow and keep good notes. Test and test some more. Keep a trash bag nearby for your hair when you pull it out ;)

Good luck and have fun :)

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