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Eyes Swelling Need Help Please


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Is this due to an allergen outside? I used to wake up as a child with my eyes swollen and crusted shut in the mornings if there was ragweed pollen in the air. All I can say is maybe an air filter thing in your home, some allergy meds and keep a wet cool washcloth near the bed to wipe them.

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Ive always used a frozen spoon. All you do is keep a spoon(s) in the freezer and when needed take it out of the freezer and place on your eye lid. It does wonders with reducing swelling, and a cheap fix. Also dont worry it wont stick to your eye LOL as soon as you take it out of the freezer it starts to thaw. It doesnt even need to be frozen just REALLY cold.

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I seem to wake up every morning with my eyes swollen. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I could use to take the swelling out of them.


Basically, it could be an allergic reation to anything but this is a common reaction of you are allergic to your face products. Both my daughter and I react to face products in this way if we are allergic to them.

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Also for a good temporary fix,you can get the cucumbers and put slices on them,feels so good if they are cold.And also the cool ge type masks that you can get from walmart and other stores,you can wear it to bed and it keeps the swelling around the eye area down,feels good also.It could be the bees wax that may be causing it..If you dont have an allergy to bees,you can always develop it.My son did.

Also,like everyone else was saying,it is allergy season,and it definitely has mine out of wack right now.

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I'm sure that oversoyed meant cold tea bags:smiley2: ...always something cold for swelling. Chamomille or green tea is good.

Aside from allergies meds...limit your salt intake, drink lots of water, elevate your head when you sleep. Use a very light moisturizer, if any, at night. Keep your eye cream in the fridge. Soak a cotton pad in cold cucumber toner and apply over closed eyes, get more sleep (HA!)...take your ring finger and lightly tap around the outside of the boney eye socket to loosen congestion...don't drink alcohol before bed...get more sleep...LOL!

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