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Taking my label off


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I have a lady who asked me to wholesale some of my candles to her. she said she was wanting 10,000 :shocked2: ....dont know if this lady is being real, well see. but she said she wanted to put her labels of my candles. what do you guys think? has anyone done this? I feel like she would be taking the profit of my work.

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Its called private labelling and is a perfectly legit biz practice.

My concern would be has she tried your candles? If not I would be very wary.

This also has a lot of questions that need to be asked. Is she expecting shipment via truck? Do you have docking facilities?

How will shipping be paid and when? Do you have a contract ready? When does she expect shipment and delivery? Do you have the space/facility/time/materials to do the order? How will she pay you?

Sorry if you've already done this type of wholesaling then you may already be set up for it. But if not-- you may be getting into something you need to think on and prepare for before you commit.

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she stated that she is starting her new business in fall and something about the military..did your person say that too. She actually called my supplier(she thought they sold candles) and my supplier gave me her information.

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Its called private labelling and is a perfectly legit biz practice.

My concern would be has she tried your candles? If not I would be very wary.

This also has a lot of questions that need to be asked. Is she expecting shipment via truck? Do you have docking facilities?

How will shipping be paid and when? Do you have a contract ready? When does she expect shipment and delivery? Do you have the space/facility/time/materials to do the order? How will she pay you?

Sorry if you've already done this type of wholesaling then you may already be set up for it. But if not-- you may be getting into something you need to think on and prepare for before you commit.

Thanks, 10,00 is alot. I know I will not be able to fill all those candles alone. Thanks for bringing all those questions up to my attn.

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I don't want to rain on your parade, but it sounds seriously fishy. As in - don't give any information or do any work until you have verified that she is for real.

Don't buy any supplies without payment in full beforehand. I wouldn't even suggest a 50% payment. The whole shebang.

What form of payment? Even credit cards can be used fraudulently, so hopefully someone here knows in what form she should pay.

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I have been asked to do this several times and, personally, I don't ever, EVER sell my products without my labels. It might be bad business practice on my part and I may lose some business because of it but I work very hard to make my products the best they can be and I'm not about to let anyone else take credit for that.

Besides, I also think this sounds like a scam to me. Being beekeepers, we continually get emails from people wanting to buy large amounts of honey for resale. Once you email them back your prices, you usually never hear from them again.

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Has this lady ever bought a single candle from you before? It is completely unrealistic to expect someone would place an order for 10,000 candles and put their name on it without ever sampling one or knowing anything about your company. Legitimate business deals simply do not happen that way.

No offense to you or your candles, but people pull these scams all of the time. The next thing you know, she'll say she would need to try one first before she orders 10,000, thinking you'll be so eager to land the deal you'll supply her with anything she desires. Don't fall for it. If she needs to try them, sell them to her at full retail price and when she places that big 10,000 candle order, give her credit for the candles she already paid for-- like that's really going to happen, but at least once she realizes you're onto her, she'll set her sights on some other unsuspecting person.

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I would check into her for sure.

However, I have had several orders for 10,000 and they were legit, I sell tarts so we are not talking about the same kind of money outlay, but they were for real.

It is an awful amount of work, but I make sure I get the time to do them.

I guess it depends on her business also. If she is a distributor or a wholesaler, then she may actually need that amount of product, just can't imagine it though.

10,000 candles for a retail store, nope just can't see it.

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