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Those are great. I've been telling myself that one of these days I'm going to get to cutting out all the barbie clothing patterns I have and actually get them sewn together, but have too many other projects lined up. My daughter doesn't really play with the 3 barbies she has so I'm thinking I may crochet a barbie bed doll instead and stick to making clothes for her American Girl. How are they doing in your artfire store?

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Those are great! I am going to your store right now! My mother used to make all my barbie clothes and stupid me...sold them a long time ago. I am going to buy something for my step daughter. By the way...great dresses but some barbie's need to go to the beauty shop and get thier hair done! (jk)

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great dresses but some barbie's need to go to the beauty shop and get thier hair done! (jk)

I totally agree!! LOL this is what happens when I have to borrow things from my 5 year old.

And Jooniper THANK YOU for your order since I just put two and two together!

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