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FOH Closing!!!!!!!!!!


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Just went to the FOH site and she is closing!:sad2: I am so sad. I surely hope a supplier buys her so I can continue to buy all her wonderful oils.

The economy is hitting everyone so hard.

I am sure this is one of many of the smaller suppliers that will close this year.

Kim you are in my prayers and hope things turn around for you!

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Yea I saw that as I was at her site trying to order one her FO's that we use in a custom candle for a resort. They ordered more today and I am out of the oil. CRAP!!!! I wish her and her family the very best...just hating see all these suppliers go out of business!

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The suppliers who remain in business most likely will not be reordering supplies that do not sell as well. I've had a couple suppliers tell me this just recently. I'm having to cut corners, too, using up my least favorite FO's first before ordering more new FO's. I've had a big problem not wanting to sell scents if I don't like them a lot myself. I have to keep reminding myself that someone else might like a scent even if I don't care much for it. I am blending continuously, trying to improve some of them.

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LOL! I have sent Kim an email offering to buy several pounds if she has it in stock. And I am checking her site as she does say she will be listing everything and selling everything until her stock is depleted. Hopefully I can get several pounds from her that will last me for awhile and then hope someone picks up her line!

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Crap! I hate seeing suppliers that I use have to close. It's inconvient and so very depressing to see them not being able to make a go of their business for whatever reason. I hope someone is able to by her business and keep it going with the same quality of fos.

I love the oils from FOH!

I need to make sure I'm paying attention so I can buy when she's relists her inventory. I have some fo's that I can't be without.


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OK maybe Fragrance by Design will buy FOH.Just a block away. Just a idea!!!!!!!!!! :)

I am like everyone else hate seeing small businesses close down.Especially if it is the ecomony and not their own decision. At Least not one where they are forced to sell out.

Kymber, Hope you get your FO.Sure later you will have to look for another supplier with that fragrance and hope for the best.


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Funkeymonkey66, I do not know what you need to know, but I know what I want to know when purchasing a business. I did email FOH. I asked for a lot of information. The first thing that I requested was a reasonable list of inventory. I want her asking price too. I would definitely purchase FOH if the price is right. I inquired three days ago and have not heard back yet. Perhaps it sold already? I don't know.

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You're not alone....I received poor treatment from Kim as well. She had wonderful customer service until I had a problem with an oil and then she/everything changed. When I posted my negative experience, she black listed me (after I spent hundreds of dollars testing her oils!). At first I was devastated, but as I saw her prices go up by 50%, I thought maybe it was for the best.

If she is struggling, I would wish her nothing but speedy recovery. If she should get back into this business, I would hope she might do some things a little different.


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You're not alone....I received poor treatment from Kim as well. She had wonderful customer service until I had a problem with an oil and then she/everything changed. When I posted my negative experience, she black listed me (after I spent hundreds of dollars testing her oils!). At first I was devastated, but as I saw her prices go up by 50%, I thought maybe it was for the best.

If she is struggling, I would wish her nothing but speedy recovery. If she should get back into this business, I would hope she might do some things a little different.


I have never had anything but great customer service from Kim. Not all of her oils have worked in my wax though. Which is true of any supplier. All waxes are not created equal.

I never could get Apple Cobbler Delight to throw in CB135 and I think that FO works for just about everyone! I think I might have even posted here that it did not work for me, but can't remember. I emailed her about it and she was very nice. I then tested the Autumn Harvest and preferred that one.

My question is, why when a supplier is having problems people start coming out of the wood work to bash them? The economy has affected many of us; financially, physically and emotionally. Many suppliers have increased prices on many items not just FOH.

FOH is going out of business, so those of you who were not satisfied with her CS or prices do not have to worry about it anymore now do you?? JMO

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