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Trade Days was the worst

Debra Phelps

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I went to Canton this weekend. Sold 33.00 in 3 days. I wanted to cry. The place was packed with people. Packed with vendors. They just wouldn't buy. I worked so hard on the show. I usually do ok in Jan. Not good, but good enough to go. I am so sad now. It is hard enough I had to close down the store. Just had to vent.:(

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Sorry to hear that. These are definitely scary times. People don't want to spend right now; after the doom and gloom about lousy holiday retail sales and constant stories about credit card companies cutting your limits and increasing interest rates to the maximum amount it's no wonder.

$33--I feel your pain. That's awful.

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I haven't been to Canton in over 15 years. It just got so big. I am so sorry you did poorly. I personally did not even get out and go anywhere shopping after Christmas. Just wasn't in the mood I guess. Maybe others felt the same way.

Things are still hangin on here but I don't have another venue until Aril, then I start up again. The craft amll will have to continue to do well for me till then.

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My daughter has a vendor that consigns her rustic woodworking in her store. She told us that all the craft shows, everywhere, are way down.

All the stores where my daughter's boutique is located say their sales are way down from last year. My daughter made $5,000 less this year than last year over the Christmas season. She wasn't able to pay off her accounts at the end of the year like she did last year. :(

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My last show was the same. Other vendors told me the same thing happened to them.

My sales were down 30% overall from last year. But after the election its been much worse!

I am reconsidering what Spring shows to do because of the recession.

Yep, not a very exciting time, that's for sure.

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I agree we just moved and had to start over with finding shows, we did one just before Christmas and did ok especially since it was near home so no hotel ect. but then at the end the lady announced after 26 years she was not going to do it again because they had such a huge drop in numbers. I heard many vendors say they did not care because they had such a low show.

It is happening all over....

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Ok I have a question after reading all the posts on this thread. If trade shows are not what they used to be, how will you promote your products to bring in revenue?

It really breaks my heart to read these kinds of posts. :sad2: I hate to hear that folks are disappointed after lots of hard work and preparation. I am new to this and I love creating the products that I make but it's kind of discouraging to hear that those who have been doing it longer than myself are hurting/struggling.

Stay encouraged.

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Sorry to hear about that....

I haven't done a show myself in a while. Been to a few as a customer and here in my area the numbers are so low. Bums me out because I used to love to do shows. I am just going to hold off and if the economy starts to pick up I'll start again with the shows.

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Ok I have a question after reading all the posts on this thread. If trade shows are not what they used to be, how will you promote your products to bring in revenue?

It really breaks my heart to read these kinds of posts. :sad2: I hate to hear that folks are disappointed after lots of hard work and preparation. I am new to this and I love creating the products that I make but it's kind of discouraging to hear that those who have been doing it longer than myself are hurting/struggling.

Stay encouraged.

Canton is not a trade show. It's an outdoor flea market swap meet kind of thing.

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That sucks that you all did not do well at your shows this year. :sad2: I was a bit worried going into season but our sales were up this year at the shows and in the shop. Tons of repeats and new customers too. Hopefully it will turn around for everyone that did not do so well.

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I hear those trade shows are very expensive to do.We have one in Ohio that is $250.00. Not like the cost of so many I see here. I have thought about this one but husband said NO.We only make maybe $450.00 at shows and sometimes less so all the work of hauling, making, supplies, packaging,booth fee etc is not worth doing shows anymore. Do them just to get out there but so many buy and you never get outside orders.

I do better with on-line business.I am thinking of someday opening a shop because people ask where they can get my candles but WHY don't they order from my website.They would have to drive to pick them up or I do deliver.That is on my site but none have asked.

Very sorry for all the work you did and only made $33.00.I have made more than that at shows that were very very small but not much more.

This is very scary. I also think in 2009 were are heading for a bad year. I cannot believe how many are out of work and loosing jobs daily in my area.:sad2:


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Canton is not a trade show. It's an outdoor flea market swap meet kind of thing.

Many wholesale trade shows are down as well. Maybe it depends on your area of the country, but I know of a couple of shows that were completely canceled last year. Other shows were cut from three days to just one.

A friend of mine participated in several cash & carry wholesale shows and he said he did ok at one particular show, but normally he makes a killing everywhere else he goes, but he's definitely seen a slow down. He's usually one of the more popular vendors and has gotten to know quite a few other vendors pretty well, who told him they didn't even make their booth rent at that one show. He said he knew the show was slow and traffic was down, but he didn't realize just how poorly the other vendors were doing until they told him. He said he would probably cut back on the number of shows he'll be doing this year and focus only really big well known shows he's always done in the past.

The majority of vendors at most shows don't make their own products--they're usually imports, so imagine what kind of money they've got tied up in inventory (often bought on terms, which if they don't sell it, can be a really big problem for them), plus the cost to travel from various states to set up, and they've got employees to pay and numerous overhead expenses to cover as well.

There are a couple of big wholesale markets coming up later this month, so it will be interesting to see how those turn out. January markets for gift retailers usually have the biggest turn out of buyers and result in the most order writing during the year.

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Debra, I'm sorry Canton was a bust for you. I know that's got to be frustrating. {{{HUGS}}} I ended up giving our local fall festival a miss due to being pregnant and too tired for words, and now I'm thinking it might have been a blessing in disguise. It would have been terribly disheartening to do a ton of prep and not see much in the way of results.

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I have to support my family on candle sales. I have for 10 years. It is getting hard. BUT.....where I make my best money selling door to door. You would be surprised how many candles you can sell, by going into a business. Once they try them, they want more. Listen to me. I know, that most are afraid to try that. But many people do just that. I know that I can get out, and start selling in a new town, most of the time. Those sales have not went down. I am about to give up on craft shows. It seems like the people are there for their amuzement and some food. It cost me too much money to set up to entertain people. Ya know? What I have heard is to concentrate on the customers you have. have sales, new scents, scent of the month club, e-mails with specials. makes sense to me. I read this in a business magazine. We need to put our heads together and find stuff that works for all of us. If you could make edible candles, we would have it made. lol :yay:

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I have to support my family on candle sales. I have for 10 years. It is getting hard. BUT.....where I make my best money selling door to door. You would be surprised how many candles you can sell, by going into a business. Once they try them, they want more. Listen to me. I know, that most are afraid to try that. But many people do just that. I know that I can get out, and start selling in a new town, most of the time. Those sales have not went down. I am about to give up on craft shows. It seems like the people are there for their amuzement and some food. It cost me too much money to set up to entertain people. Ya know? What I have heard is to concentrate on the customers you have. have sales, new scents, scent of the month club, e-mails with specials. makes sense to me. I read this in a business magazine. We need to put our heads together and find stuff that works for all of us. If you could make edible candles, we would have it made. lol :yay:

I don't find that people go to craft shows for amusement and food. At least not in my area they don't. I'm not sure what kind of entertainment you have at the craft shows in your area, but in my area, there pretty much is not any entertainment unless its an event that ALSO has a craft show. They go to look and buy. To have a better chance to make a sale, you must engage the customer, not be too overbearing and here's a biggie, stay at your booth and stay sober or make sure it is manned with a competent person that knows your products.

Don't you think going door to door is dangerous? When you make these sales, do they come back? Getting someone to buy your stuff is one thing, but getting them to come back and buy a second, third, fourth, etc. time is the key. There is nothing more irritating to me than someone coming to my door to try to sell me something. I'd rather set up at a craft show and let the folks come to me in a safe, friendly environment.

I guess it boils down to we all do what we have to do to keep our head above water. I just can't imagine going door to door. I wouldn't even let my kids do that when they were young and the PTA was having some fundraiser.

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Sliver, what is your definition of a trades days? That is a place where people gather to buy sell or trade. If you don't think Canton is a trade days, I don't know what you would call it. Have you ever been to Canton? http://cantontradedays.com/ Wonder why they call it trade days? They shouldn't do that, if it is just a flea market or a swap meet. Not only is it a trade days, I believe it is one of the largest in the world. There are 30,000 people that go monthly to this trade days. They have 17 pavillions, indoor air craft malls, outdoor antique area, the largest animal section ever. They have 2000 pups for sale, monthly, if not more. You can buy almost any kind of animal there. They even have a mountain full of shops that is cool. Church on Sunday morning. If you ever get a chance to go, you will love it. And you are right in the fact that it started as a swap meet. Over 100 years ago, the farmers came to Canton to swap hound dogs. It grew from there. People come from all states and other countries to go see Canton. :yay:

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Next to the person that thinks selling door to door is bad. Let me clearify. I do not go to homes. I go to businesses only. I ask for referrals. They call their friends and send me to new businesses. Once I sell to them, they love our candles. They can't wait until we come back. If I told you how much we sell in a day in some areas, you would not beleive me. So I will not tell you. Once you work an area for a few years, it will build into a great little income. I do not go where I am not wanted. I do not go into a place that has No Soliciting on the door. If they ask me to leave, I leave. But I rarely hear that. Most of the time, they really want to see what I have. As far as working craft shows. I do not drink. I do not smoke, or do anything offensive. I have a very respectable booth. That is not my style thank you. I do not tryand grab a customer into my booth. But I do talk to each of them and explain my candles. You are right. You have to be very friendly and helpful. Don't assume that if someone is not selling, that they must be drinking in their booth, or not staying in the booth. We always stay in our booth. There are many people that sell to businesses. It is a good way to make money. And there re many candle makers that sell to businesses too. I know, I see them and hear that they do. The way I got started with that, was on my honeymoon in Ark. We were running short of money. So I decide to take some candles in a place or 2 and see if I could sell them. I was surprised to sell 8 at the first place and 6 at the next. A couple of places didn't want any. But within 20 minutes I had an extra 100. so we could stay another night. I was in shock. We have been selling this way ever since. Maybe you should try it. I wanted to share this with the candlemakers because I thought maybe it would help them make some extra money. Also, we go to 2 towns that require a permit. We pay 50.00 for a year and that makes us legal. Most towns do not require a fee in our area. Just in case you would like to know. We always start at the city hall and check the rules. Usually they buy our candles too. Now, I got that straight. :smiley2:

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Going to businesses is an intersting concept. I could never do that since I just am too shy. When I owned a business, we had a LOT of people that would come in and try to sell us things. Sometimes it was something I was interested in and others not so much. Our town does require a permit but I am sure some of the tamale vendors that come to our office are not permitted and we NEVER buy food items from a door to door salesman.

In my humble opinion Canton is just a HUGE trades day place. I don't think I could see everything in the whole weekend. And the variety is endless, from junk to high end art. I guess it has something for everyone.

Hope you find a way to keep sales up during the weaker winter months.

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