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goats milk and crisco question


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I'm not a "pro" but I'm going to guess that your can't sub crisco (veggie shortening) for lard. They are two different things and you would need to run it through soapcalc if your making changes.

You can get goats milk from your local farmers market (stores for vegitarians or organic food stores)or if you don't have one close, getting supplies online is the next best thing!

wsp, brambleberry and even ebay!

hope that helps santa emba

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Can you sub? Well you can always substitute but:

1. you will need to recalculate lye

2. your soap will NOT be identical to a batch with different oils (with rare exceptions).

you can get both goats milk and lard at the grocery store.

You are MOST likely to find the goats milk in cans in the evaporated for. Might be with canned milk, might be with "health foods" might even be with baby food but probably not any more.

Lard is probably going to be the Armour brand and be in a green and white package. At WalMart it is in the food oils aisle and is available in bricks like a pound of butter or in buckets. In most grocery stores it's in the one pound bricks only. It doesn't need to be refrigerated so it could be anywhere - in my store it's by the bread, in other stores I've seen it by the meat case, others even in the baking aisle by the crisco. You should probably just ask.

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I just wanted to chime in being a newbie myself.

I love soaping with crisco. I haven't tried lard. (I'm vegi soaper) but I really love working with crisco. The soaps I've made are very mosturizing. I would definitely recommend trying small batches of both so you can compare.

Also I alway run my recipes through soap calc. So far it hasn't steered me wrong and I've gotten a great batch everytime. If I find a recipe in a book or online I want to try I first break down the oil measurements into percentages and run it through the soap calc to calculate water and lye.

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I just wanted to chime in being a newbie myself.

I love soaping with crisco. I haven't tried lard. (I'm vegi soaper) but I really love working with crisco. The soaps I've made are very mosturizing. I would definitely recommend trying small batches of both so you can compare.

Also I alway run my recipes through soap calc. So far it hasn't steered me wrong and I've gotten a great batch everytime. If I find a recipe in a book or online I want to try I first break down the oil measurements into percentages and run it through the soap calc to calculate water and lye.

You gotta try the lard!!!:tongue2:

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i tried lard in soaps many years ago and for the life of me i cannot remember how well it performed. i plan to try a few batches with lard in place of palm while i am on break from work. based on the reveiws i have read about lard, i sure do hope mine performs as well.

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I love the lard as well. The first time I used it in soap I thought, OMG what is that horrible pig like smell and I couldn't smell the fo at all :undecided

Then after the 3rd week of cure the soap was beautiful and smelled amazing. The fo came through very nicely and the bar lasted quite awhile in the shower, very nice hard bar of soap.

I love lard soaps!


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I love lard as well!

My thing with using a lot of crisco is I worry about DOS. So much soybean, which hasn't worked out well for me in the past. And you need to be careful that if you don't actually buy crisco that your store brand is all vegetable as some of them aren't and would have a different SAP value.

ETA I prefer my GM straight from the goat, but I'm lucky to have my own...you can find meyenburg (sp?) in the dairy fridge with the other milk, sold in quarts. Freeze it into cubes, weigh and just dump the lye on top and stir away until it's dissolved.

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I love the lard as well. The first time I used it in soap I thought, OMG what is that horrible pig like smell and I couldn't smell the fo at all :undecided

Then after the 3rd week of cure the soap was beautiful and smelled amazing. The fo came through very nicely and the bar lasted quite awhile in the shower, very nice hard bar of soap.

I love lard soaps!


I learned real fast to melt the lard as slowly as possible or you can get that "smell".

But yes, lard makes wonderful moisturizing soap.

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