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product liability insurance


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I have been looking for product liability insurance for months now and can't find anything except for Indie beauty. This is like finding a needle in a hay stack:cry2: If any one has any suggestions It would be appreciated.



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I did check it out but you need to make soaps or body products. I am only making wickless candles and tarts at the moment I am still testing candles so it would be a while if ever I sell them.

Thank You For The Info


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This is making me sick. I had a lady was working with me from American National and she has checked every were and every insurance company said no that I need to have been in business for 3 years with insurance.

What the heck am I to do:cry2: I guess just quit and sell my stuff. I guess it would not make a difference if I were a LLC. Oh will I hate to give up because I am not a quitter. I think I will go and get a drink now and have tears in my beers. Thank You All For All Of Your Help Alycia

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This is making me sick. I had a lady was working with me from American National and she has checked every were and every insurance company said no that I need to have been in business for 3 years with insurance.

What the heck am I to do:cry2: I guess just quit and sell my stuff. I guess it would not make a difference if I were a LLC. Oh will I hate to give up because I am not a quitter. I think I will go and get a drink now and have tears in my beers. Thank You All For All Of Your Help Alycia

They said you have to have been in business AND insured for three years? How are you supposed to be insured for three years before they will insure you, if no one will insure you if you haven't been insured for three years? (Did that make sense?) :confused:

I'm sorry sweetie. Good luck..

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That's what I told her. Then I could anyone be in business? She came to my house took pictures and was impressed with my work place. I told here other people have their insurance with this company that I saw on the forum. It,s totally unfair I only make tarts and sell the warmers at the moment (still testing candles)I tried to contact the Indy beauty place and ask if my warmers would be covered and haven't got a answer. I have spent so much money on this business it makes me sick I can't get insured. I almost made my business a LLC that would have cost a lot. I cried all last night I hate to give up but I don't know what to do:(

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If you are going to give up that easy and not search these boards, maybe this type of business isn't for you. I'm not trying to sound mean, but almost everyone here to sells (and should be everyone) has insurance and some ONLY do wickless items. There are hundreds, literally hundreds of threads in this section with insurance information, from people who do everything to one thing.

ETA: And you need to research on why insurance companies won't cover YOU for warmers you didn't make. There is a lot of information you are missing before you go selling.

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DONT give up. Whatever you do.... if this is what you want to do.. stick with it.. something will give eventually.

I don't have answers because I am only starting out, and to be quite honest, all of the business aspect of candlemaking is rather overwhelming, especially when it comes to starting a website, having it hosted, getting it published.. let alone having the business insured and registered and all that jazz, but I learn more every day, and this is something I want. I enjoy it, and while I don't have all the time in the world to do it at the moment, I will continue to try to make time for it.

My hubby works out of state (may as well be military) so it is just me and our two kiddos, and lemme tell ya.. I could pull my hair out some days and often wonder if this is even worth the effort.

But if you enjoy it, and want to make it work, it will work.. somehow, someway... :undecided

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If you are going to give up that easy and not search these boards, maybe this type of business isn't for you. I'm not trying to sound mean, but almost everyone here to sells (and should be everyone) has insurance and some ONLY do wickless items. There are hundreds, literally hundreds of threads in this section with insurance information, from people who do everything to one thing.

ETA: And you need to research on why insurance companies won't cover YOU for warmers you didn't make. There is a lot of information you are missing before you go selling.

I have checked these boards over and over again called almost every ones insurance company. I am sure the people here DON'T make their warmers? so then what do you do? I probably can make my own warmers I do know how to make ceramics and my husband is a electrician or I can only make tea lite warmers so I don't know what your getting at? I have been in this business a long time ago but I think things have changed in 20 years.

I have worked with candle company's in the manufacture part so I know what I am doing but I have to start from scratch because of papers I signed. Let me know if I am misunderstanding what you are trying to say? I don,t mean to sound rude. I am on this forum at least 8 hours a day trying to find info on this.

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Has anyone ever tried their auto insurance company? Mine supplied me with a $1MIL product Liablity policy which also covers my inventory of supplies and equipment for under $400 per year....check it out..

I have farmers Ins with 2 cars a new RV a house and they said it would cost way to much money and to look on the internet. I thought they could do something. I should be glad they didn't drop me from my homeowners Ins.

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