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Really need some input PLEASE

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I use a parasoy blend and although it is parasoy it varies batch to batch and I have noticed with this batch number it is varying within the batch . . .:mad: Now with that being said . . .

I am dealing with wicking issues and would like opinions please on what to do about wicks "white ashing". I use zinc and have gone up 2-3 sizes and still get a white ash that sits on the wick tip. Typically my zincs will mushroom but not now. In power burns the white ash looks like a snake. I thought I had a bad batch of wicks but my wicks are all from different suppliers. I typically use a 44-24z in a 9 oz straight side jar and have increased on heavier oils to 60z and yet the white ashed tip is still there. I have tested CD and HTP and still I have problems maintaining a full MP. It will start out good for the first hour or so burn then the flame begins to weaken and tunneling follows.

I have reduced the amount of color I use in both color blocks and liquid dyes. I am using 8% FO. Throw is very weak probably due to the improper burn. I suspect the wicks are clogging.

Any recommendations for me? I am at my wits end :cry2:

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Hi Brenda, I don't use your wax or wicks, but I was thinking if you tried to use a lower % of FO.

I currently stay on 6% on my 100% soy candles, I thought parasoy blends would throw better hence the need of less FO.

I made some testers for a customers going up to 7% FO and they don't throw good and mushroom a lot (I'm using CD wicks). So in my notebook 6% FO is the edge limit. Don't know if this can help, just throwing in some ideas.

Good luck!!

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Thanks for your quick reply . . my pots are warming and I plan to pour up more testers with less FO. I will cut back to see if that helps. I am not getting any seepage using 8% but all wicks are struggling. Hopefully cutting back FO to 6% will work, Lord knows I have tried everything else. I have tested and tested to the point of confusing myself . . .

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Also, added to what the others have said, I have had trouble in the past with my dyes doing just that same thing. I quit using dye altogether, and it has solved the problem for the most part. The worst was red dye.

If you snip off the end of the wick, is it crunchy like it has sand in it? It could be either the dye or the fo, but I vote for the dye.


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Also, added to what the others have said, I have had trouble in the past with my dyes doing just that same thing. I quit using dye altogether, and it has solved the problem for the most part. The worst was red dye.

If you snip off the end of the wick, is it crunchy like it has sand in it? It could be either the dye or the fo, but I vote for the dye.


Not all tips are crunchy on the ends. Some are but also some have a soft white ash that when touched falls off. Here are some pics. All these are with 8% FO. 1st pic - used color blocks. #2 & #3 liquid color




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It's the zinc core that is the problem. Soy waxes are extremely viscous and typically need cotton wicking or paper to burn properly. The zinc core wicks burn too cool and tend to do this. Bruce from Wicks Unlimited and I had a very lengthy discussion regarding the use of zinc in both soy and parasoy blends and both agree not using zinc is the best and often only real solution to the problem. This problem sadly can crop up at any point with zinc and soy with no real rhyme or reason...even half way through a candle. If you can tell me specifically which size wicks you normally use in your wax I can probably suggest replacemtns in another series wicking that should be much better for you over the long haul. :)

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It's the zinc core that is the problem. Soy waxes are extremely viscous and typically need cotton wicking or paper to burn properly. The zinc core wicks burn too cool and tend to do this. Bruce from Wicks Unlimited and I had a very lengthy discussion regarding the use of zinc in both soy and parasoy blends and both agree not using zinc is the best and often only real solution to the problem. This problem sadly can crop up at any point with zinc and soy with no real rhyme or reason...even half way through a candle. If you can tell me specifically which size wicks you normally use in your wax I can probably suggest replacemtns in another series wicking that should be much better for you over the long haul. :)

Typically in my 9 oz straight side jar (same diameter as the jelly jars, without the bottom taper) I use a 44-24-18z. With heavier oils I use a bump up to a 44-32-18z. In my 16 oz straight side jar I use a 51-32-18z, heavier oils I use a 60-44-18z. I tested CD 12 and CD 14's but like the zinc they burned good for an hour or so then began to piddle out. Same with HTP 83 and HTP 93. Not being familiar with the braided wicks I wasn't sure what to expect when testing. On the end of the wick when lit there was a red ember. Is that normal?

It sure looks like bad wax!!! When I had the bad 6006 (also a parasoy) it had the blk goop around wick but also had the ash on wick. It would burn fine for a couple hrs and then wick/flame would get smaller and go out. Does anyone else sell the wax? Carole

This is what I was thinking, bad wax. I had bought 12 cases of this and need to make it work somehow. Hopefully backing down to 6% will help. I have contacted the supplier and hopefully they can help too.

ETA - If I am not mistaken I believe it is the same parasoy the KY uses.

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I know a lot of people (myself included) who use zinc in soy and parasoy blends with success.

I did have the ash top problem though with a case of test wax I purchased. I read on a wick manufacturer site that this is caused by impurities in the wax. Wish I could find the bookmark...it was a site that Stella1952 posts a lot to help with wicking issues.

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I'm not using your wax, but I had a similar issue with zincs. I had to give up on them in my soy too. I didn't get a good throw as with other wicks, and the flames would drown. It is really nice how straight they are.

I also had to back down on FO percents for other wicks like CDs. I found ECO wicks to be very good with stubborn scents.

It is strange though that you were getting good results with them before and now you are not. That sounds like my luck:tongue2:

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I use a parasoy blend (I make my own) and I only use zinc wicks for tealights and one container that is really, really small (even ECO-1's were too much). I've always gotten the white snake/ash on them. I don't worry about it because the containers are so small and they are burned through in (relative) no time. *shrug*

Your second pic of the blue candles look suspicious to me - you've got some funky interaction between the FO, color and wax going on. To test, I'd try that FO with no colorant and also try that colorant with a different FO and see if you get the same results. (I know, more testing, right??? argh)

Good luck!

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Thanks to all that have replied. I have the lit new testers with less FO, reduced from 8% to 6%. I am hoping this resolves the problem.

Bug - I do have the batch number for the wax. I am working with the supplier and will see about getting a slab from a new batch if reducing the FO load doesn't help.

JonB - Like others that have posted, I have always used zinc in my parasoy waxes. Being a cooler wick they have always performed well. I have used this brand of wax for about 2 years with no burning issues. CD's and cottons were always a bit to hot and would produce black on the jars in previous batches. I may need to resort to a change to use up this batch.

Ah-soy - I am in agreement with the impurities that may be causing the wicking issue. Just the appearance and the "feel" of this batch of wax it seems a bit oily than normal. Henceforth causing a clogging wick issue with too much FO. Got my fingers crossed on reducing the FO load.

Jeana - I believe this situation has given me the push I need to test wicks other than zincs. I like the rigidity of them and the fact that I can get a nice clean burn the majority of the time in the parasoy. I do have the CD itch, so to speak.

SpaceGirl - with the majority of the white ashed wicks FMP's have developed and they burn relatively clean some leaving a bit of slimy wax on the sides of the jar. Except the blue candles. Those I am retesting with less color and FO, if that doesn't work then a no color test will be done.

I will post my new tester results . . . .

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Just a quick update . . backing off to 6% FO did not help the white ash wicks or piddly flame or what appears to be wick clogging :mad: All sizes in the zinc series are doing this. I have a few CD's that I am playing with but not many sizes until my UPS man blesses me with his presence. LOL

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I think it's bad wax too...got something in it that shouldn't be there.

I poured dozens and dozens of testers with the case of bad wax I had...no matter what series of wicks (and I hit it with everything in my arsenal)...no matter what size of all the wicks I tried worked...always got a shrinking flame as burn went by and always had the ashy top of wick which just crumbled...the candle couldn't even be lit for the next burn.

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Another update . .I agree it is a bad batch of wax but I am still doing everthing thing possible to make it work. I have been working with my supplier and they have contacted their supplier and have not gotten any reply. The batch numbers my supplier has in their inventory is the same batch number I am trying to make work. So I can't grab new batch numbers to test against.

Zincs - all sizes are not burning in this batch of wax. I tried reverse pshychology using smaller wicks as well as upping to the max size available. All seem to clog and white ash. Most times is becomes evident around 1 1/2 - 2 hours into the burn on the 9 oz straight side jars. Right before the FMP has been reached is when the flame begins to get piddly and struggles. White ash begins, and what is really weird a small shroom will appear below the white ash and the shroom looks up side down (??). Reducing from 8% FO to 6% didn't resolve anything.

Mr UPS didnt get my CD wicks to me before the weekend but the few I have a CD 12 seems to be working in the 9 oz straight side jars with light FO oils. I made a trip to one my suppliers 2 hours away and grabbed some HTP wicks that I have been testing as I wait for the CD's to get here. So far with this batch the HTP 104 is looking promising but I'm getting some black on the tops of the jars. I'll deal with that through this batch if I can get it to burn.

I haven't been able to pour any orders in about a week since my confidence isn't there and with the busy season would spell disaster. So the orders are stacking up as I continue to test.

Thanks to everyone for all the input - I am still open to suggestions. I will post the verdict . .

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