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what do you use????


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lets say six months. I have noticed that after about three months, the left over bars I have on the shelf, that most of the scent is gone or mostly gone. I have noticed it with peppermint, and I love my peppermint. I would love it if they smelled as good after three months as they do right out of the mold . Now there is still some scent but it just isnt the same. and by the way thanks

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How are you storing them? If they're out in the open, the scent will fade. But put them in a box (I use a cardboard box) with other bars of the same scent only and they will last much longer. I have bars over a year old where the scent is still good. The supplier you're buying your scents from can make a difference too, so be sure to get them from somewhere reputable.

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If doing CP soap, some FOs just can't stand up to the process and will lose their scent. If using EOs, certain ones like citrus's tend to fade unless you use an anchor. Patchouli and Litsea are popular for using to anchor scents. Another altnernative would be to HP your soap since it is not as hard on our fragrances.

As far as using baking soda or orris root, I've heard of using baking soda but have no experience with it. Maybe others that have experience can chime in.

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I store my soaps in cardboard boxes too and I haven't noticed any of my EO or FO scented CP soap losing its scent. I have read that some people put a cloth on top of the soap while it is being stored in a cardboard box, and they put some drops of the EO or FO that is used in the soap on the cloth. This can keep the scent stronger and just replenish the cloth now and then. I never tried this but it sounds like a good idea.

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personally i feel that the best thing to do is not to let the bars sit on the shelf for too long. After fully cured, you should package them up to prevent scent loss, and then try to use them within 6-8 months. Also make sure to use quality fragrance oils as well. ;)

As far as EOs, I save those for my lotions and potions and dont like to waste them with wash off products, they are expensive because they are also meant to be used for medicinal perposes and should be able to absorb into the skin.

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I've used orange peel powder to anchor 10X orange. Grind them really fine, as they can be abrasive on the skin.

I mix EO with a FO, to enhance a scent, or add a twist.

Citrus is the worst culprit, IMO. The mint seems to hold well, and some of the more earthly EO's. I use them in scrubs and butters alone, so they might have some therapeutic benefit, to go along with the scent.

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personally i feel that the best thing to do is not to let the bars sit on the shelf for too long. After fully cured, you should package them up to prevent scent loss, and then try to use them within 6-8 months. Also make sure to use quality fragrance oils as well. ;)

I completely agree with this technique. I package mine in cello bags or kraft merchandise bags after 8 week cure and stored in a cool, dry area. I'm so fortunate to have an insulated basement workshop that is always cool and dry. Living in Utah with non-existent humidity (IMO) is a plus. The quality of FO/EO as mentioned is definitely a Major factor.

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