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4627 vs. J223

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Typically, the softer the wax, the better the throw.

Comfort Blend, by a long, long shot. I've used 223, 50, just about everything out there. Once I tried 4627 (about 4 years or so ago), I never looked back and have never considered anything else.

My mantra is simple: If it doesn't throw in 4627, it ain't gonna throw!

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Don't mean to hijack but I currently mix J223 with 415 and the J223 is a lot more expensive than the 4627. Those of you that have used both, do they perform similarly with wicks? I know if I switched I would need to retest which I would dread but I wonder why there is such a big price difference.

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the J223 is a lot more expensive than the 4627.

No, it isn't more expensive. The 223 comes in a 60 lb box. The 4627 is only 50 lbs. Based on Lone Star's prices, J223 is actually pennies cheaper.

When buying supplies, weights/volumes are VERY important things to pay attention to.

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I've tried both straight and I agree...4627. Like Sliver said...if a fragrance won't throw in 4627 then forget it.

For a while I was adding it to my soyblend to help with the look and throw of my candles.

Now I just order 50/50 from Candlewic.


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I have to agree. 4627 wins for cold throw but if you are looking for hot throw, there isn't a better wax than J50. J50 will throw just about anything you put in it. It beat 4627 pretty easily in my book in terms of hot throw. And it's a whole lot easier to work with.

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