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I did 2 shows at once this weekend


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I had two simulatneous shows this weekend - one that was Friday and Saturday and one that was just Saturday. The Saturday one is one you have to be invited into. During a summer show, these two ladies came into my booth at separate times; one spoke to me about how nice my products are, how nice the presentation is and just how impressed she was. She was shocked and couldn't believe it when I told her I wasn't a distributor but made everything myself. She told me about her group and asked if I would be interested saying she didn't see any problem with me getting approved. The other lady, while she didn't speak to me about their group at the time she was in my booth, she thought the same thing. Both came back together later on and invited me to do their show with them. They explained they set up like a boutique with only one register and they don't take a percentage either!!!! How cool is that. I accepted. Well, it turns out that these gals are an elite group of artisans so when I showed up to set up, I felt so bad about my products and that they were so inferior to everyone else's product. Plus, I didn't feel my stuff fit in with their art work (these weren't crafts that you usually see at shows but rather actual ART pieces IMO - hand woven baskets, beautiful pottery, incredible intricate detailed wood work, natural fiber products woven into rugs, shawls, socks (one pair of socks was $85.00!!!). I do B& B and candles NOT anything like they do. When I brought my DD with me the next day, the place was packed and my DD looked around and said, "You have YOUR stuff here??" I felt like just crying. :cry2: Even she saw that my stuff wasn't like all the other items and wasn't the same "type" of product there. I thought I would just vomit right there. Well, to make a long story short, I darn near sold out of everything. I even had to take product from my other booth over to that booth because I kept selling out. And even though they haven't done the books yet, they said it was looking like I was the top money maker. I was informed that I will be back next year. Also, they invited me to do another show with them in December. I've done extremely well at every show I have done and have been the top seller or close to it at everyone too. But this show was different. I am so shocked and so thrilled at how well I did since this wasn't a typical "craft" show. icon_biggrin.gif

BTW - I did great at the other show too!!!!! I wish I would have taken pictures of both shows but I was too busy going back and forth between the shows. Today and I am just exhausted. but its time to get ready for the show next weekend. No rest for the weary. :tongue2:

Sorry so long. I am just so pleased!! :bliss:

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Good for you!! I'm so glad you did so well, and also glad you posted the way you felt, because that's exactly how I felt at the show I did Saturday, I was near two "natural" type of booths, by this I mean (and I certainly don't want to offend anyone at all but these two were loudmouthed and obnoxious ) they grew everything they used, everything was certified "organic", one woman made her own soaps and they were the BEST looking soaps I'd ever seen, but they both immediately made it clear that I wasn't "in their league" at all, because I use preservatives in my lotions and b&b items. Well, yeah, noone wants to be rubbing yummy little bacteria and germys into their skin with their lotions....:shocked2: Anyway, I completely had that same feeling of wanting to cry and vomit at the same time. Long story short, people loved my lotions and I was constantly asked if I was a distributor for this company, I couldn't possibly have done this all myself.

So congratulations, you obviously have wonderful stuff!!

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ALLLLLright! That's super duper!

I kind of figured you were going to say you sold out of almost everything...even though it felt like it wasn't a right spot...your items were a perfect addition to the high priced artsy items. People want to grab some simpler purchases!

Enjoy your success!

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Congratulations Meridith! I am doing a show exactly like that on Dec.2,3,&4. I can only hope to do a fraction as well as you did! I know I will be the only one there selling candles, lotions, etc.. besides a lady selling soap. I was told I could only have soap as part of a gift basket, not to sell it individually which is fine~ but I'm soooooo nervous!!

Those ladies would never have invited you if they hadn't known you would be a wonderful asset to their show~ I'm so happy for you! :yay:

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I want to do 2 big shows in one week-end but have no one to be at my booth at the other.I am so ticked.My husband works week-ends and really not so sure about him even if he is off.He is kinda "Well not into this" but when you get him at shows he wants to take over.I have to watch him on what he says too so he wouldn't be good by himself anyway.I want to do both so bad.So you didn't have to have anyone at the one place and how you were able to do both?The shows I want to do are from 10 on Sat and noon on Sunday and the hours are the same.10-8 Sat 12-5 on Sunday.

This is a bummer because I know i can do good at both.I can say that this is just my second year with my candles and I am doing better than last year. So hope this gets better every year.


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Thanks! I was just so surprised at how well I did next to their wonderful talents. There was some beautiful stuff there that had nothing to do with B&B or candles. My stuff just didn't look like it would fit in. Who knew?? Certainly not me. :tongue2:

I was able to do both shows because I am married to this big burly football player sized guy that just loves B&B and candle stuff. Anything scented and he's on board. I am willing to bet my money he has the softest skin of any guy in our town. He loves to test all my stuff. He loves to smell everything. I call him "My big gurly burly guy." He sells up a storm and talks to EVERYONE at these shows!! LOL The little old ladies just love him.

I was also able to work both shows because the one show was set up like a boutique with one cash register which meant I didn't necessarily have a "booth" to man. I told them I had already committed to another show and they were totally cool with me being in and out. We were back and forth about every hour or so to check on stuff with me and DH rotating trips. At the end of the day, he tore down one booth and I tore down another - that kind of sucked b/c my stuff is heavy and he got the easier show to tear down.

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I agree with lindsaycb. Even though you felt a bit out of place you have to consider the other items as motivators for your items. uumm How do I say what I am thinkin?!?! If I went to an artsy type show. I am going and planing to spend money. If most of the things there would not go with the decore I am looking for, then I would still be wanting to spend money, right?! Well if I don't find any art that I wanted, I can always use some new fabulous lotions and candles. KWIM?

Glad it went well for ya!! Just think what sales next year could be when you are armed with more product and confidence!!!:yes:

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Good for you! I know it's hard to suck it up and act like you're supposed to be there when you really don't feel that way. I'm glad you were proven wrong. BTW, $85 for a pair of socks?!! They had better give me a pedicure or something lol.

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Thanks guys!! You guys are always so sweet. :) I guess I am a glutton for punishment since I signed up to do two shows again on the same day. They saw me at the show last weekend and called and asked if I would do their show. I was already booked for a show but figured what the heck. Double the profits and twice the exposure!

Atropa - you just cracked me up but you speak the truth. Those are some pretty pricey socks. And to boot (no pun intended), they were by far the ugliest socks I have ever seen. She knitted them out of every fiber imaginable - looked like she used scrap pieces of fiber. For $85 you'd think they would be pretty or cute.

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First off a big humugous congrats to you girlie (and hubby) for having two sucessful shows and at the same time no less!! WTG :D

I also wanted to agree with tlc on this one, in that yah, those peeps are probably repeat customers etc. and they KNOW what's available there, and know to bring out the big buckaroonies!!

Not sure what you price your stuff at, but I'm thinkin' those ladies were getting a HUGE bargain as opposed to what they are used to spending at that boutique KWIM?? Not saying your stuff is cheap by any means, ok now I'm having trouble wording this correctly. :rolleyes: I think they probably thought they'd died and gone to heaven when they came across your great smelling quality products for waaay under what they are used to paying for the other stuff there is all I mean. ;)

Besides, everything you offer especially the candles COMPLIMENTS that other more "artsy" stuff, KWIM?

I'd love to get in on something like that, where I didn't have to actually "sell" my product, like you basically have to at a craft fair, cuz I sure aint' no salesperson at all!! I am sooooo afraid of rejection that I just clam up, but I think doing a boutque type thing, or open house, where peeps KNOW what they are coming for, etc. would be much easier for me.

Anywho. long story short (yah right LOL) I'm very proud of you, as I'm sure you are as well, and here's to many more cash filled years with that group, whom I'm sure you'll be joining each and every year from here on out. :D

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Whoo hooo! Congrats! Sometimes, when ppl go to a fair, they just wanna buy something! They might not wanna spend $50 bucks, but won't hesitate to spend $20. Being that 1 vendor with a nice product at the right price is the one ya wanna be! :smiley2:

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