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Bending The Rules


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I read "Smart Soapmaking" recently and Anne L. Watson says that basically what most of us have read and believe to be gospel is bullshit.

Today I made a slab of patchouli, room temp oils and lye, left it open in the slab, no cover at all.The surface is still warm to the touch, 6 hours later.

I have never made soap that I've not insulated as I believed it was necessary.

Now that I think about it, I've had many problems with OVERheating, but none with under LOL.

I'll post pics tomorrow night.


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In the summer and warmer weather I don't insulate and usually get a gel in my slab and log mold. During the cooler weather I do insulate them or put in a warmed oven with top on. I do put the slab in the oven but it is not turned on at all. I haen't had a problem with overheating at all since i have been doing it.

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Well that's good to know, because I just stuck a lid on the mold that doesn't even fit it with no towels or other kind of cover and left it for four days and it's fine. I've done it without cover before and thought it just took too long to get hard.

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I don't always insulate or cover either. I especially do not insulate or cover any of my soaps with milk in them. In fact, once in the mold, I put that baby right in the fridge uncovered where it stays until the next day. I do get ash at times though.

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I don't always insulate or cover either. I especially do not insulate or cover any of my soaps with milk in them. In fact, once in the mold, I put that baby right in the fridge uncovered where it stays until the next day. I do get ash at times though.

I need a fridge empty of all these butters and oils (and space to put another fridge lol) and then I might have the balls to soap 100% milk lol.

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I need a fridge empty of all these butters and oils (and space to put another fridge lol) and then I might have the balls to soap 100% milk lol.
I didn't put mine in the fridge. Just let it out at room temp. If your house isn't very hot, you might be able to get away with that. Especially if the mold you are using is not the type which keeps the heat in. I used my milky way mold, the one where I couldn't get the soap to gel and which couldn't go in the oven either.
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I don't know the reason why...but when I started soaping I never let my soap gel...I didn't cover, and any milk soap I either put in the frig...or put under a fan...

Why do you gel? does it make better soap? or just like me.. that is just the way you started?

I am not the type if I thought something was better, that I couldnt change my habits...

So was just wanting some pros and cons on gel or not...

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I insulated my first batches I did, because, that's what the rules said to do. But as I felt my own way through with soapmaking, I did what was best for me, and continue doing so. I just couldn't take the overheating of some batches. Because in my experience, it made some butt ugly soap. :grin2:

I do not insulate. I do not cover. I just leave it there, wide open, on the counter (out of reach of little hands though).

The only time I fight ash is in the winter (weird eh?). So when I soap in cold weather, I just put the lid on.

I bend the rules with FO amounts too. And I haven't been arrested by the soap police yet. :grin2:

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In the winter I keep the thermostat at 65 during the day and 55 at night. I insulate. But not usually with a cover - just stuck uncovered in the cooler. In the summer tho, I keep it at 80 when we are away and 78 when we are here - I don't usually have to insulate.

If I under insulate - I get partial gel which is annoying but not fatal.

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I didn't insulate any of my first batches and later on decided to see what would happen if I did. I didn't notice anything different so I didnt continue to do it. I usually will cover it with a paper towel..lol..something about topless soap bothers me:laugh2:

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Curious how all went.

My house temp changes. It can be very cool at certain times of the year and then warm and humid at others. I tend to force a gel/HP in the oven to make the whole process go faster. Not much space for snoozy logs to lie. If it works for you, go with it girl. One less thing to worry about.

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