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My lampwork beads


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I took a lampwork beading class today and oh my, this is the most fun I have ever had with a new craft. I love bead making!!!! :yay: I took a pic of all the beads I made today. In order from the left to the right, the left are the first ones progressing to the heart which was my last. Now don't laugh at Mr ugly blue with the green on it, I was practicing dots and stringer work which is SO hard to do. The second picture are the beads the teacher made and let me have after class. I am signed up for the next level and will take that class in June for 4 weeks. I bought a kit so I can start practicing and making more beads at home now.

My beads


Teacher beads


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good job on the shapes and the round ness of the beads! I took a class here a couple years ago and i had a heck of a time getting them to really be round or oval or what have you!!

I sure did put dots and stringers on all of mine though!!

still have them in a bag with intentions of putting all my beginner beads together on a bright and colorful bracelet!!

The classes here only let like 8 or 10 people in and every session since that I have tried to sign up for is always booked!!

Way to go!! You may be a natural!!

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These are for anything from ornaments to jewelry, to decor you can attach to lamps, picture frames, etc.

I've been so interested in lampworking (since a 3 set furnace for glassblowing is thousands :D ) but I don't think I'll have the patience for it.

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