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Olive Pomace

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I've been considering trying pomace out in soap and leaving the EVOO for my salves and such. Well DH comes home with 6 gallons he paid $85 for. I haven't priced pomace yet so was wondering if he did good or not. I certainly hope so because he's very proud of himself and I love the fact that he thought to do it. I'd sure hate to burst his bubble about it. At least it's pure pomace and not a blend, thank goodness.


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Thank you both so much. Seems he got it from a wholesale place he found while running errands. I spoke to someone there and can also get Lou Ana coconut oil, Riceland rice bran oil and EVOO :yay: . They are sending a catalog and price list out. I'd love to be able to cut back on some of the outrageous shipping and just pick up a few things local. Needless to say DH is very full of himself right now :rolleyes2 .

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Too funny! Pomace OO was all I used to use, until I ran out and had to hit my stash of EVOO....You are so lucky to be close to Lou Ana..that was the first thing I thought of when I saw you were in LA. I remember back about 14 years ago, we took a vacation to visit DH family out that way....I planned our route going through Mississippi because there was a theater supply company there that sold coconut oil for $35 for a 7 gallon pail. Back 14 years ago, it wasn't as easy to find supplies as it is now...and gas wasn't almost $4.00 a gallon either! LOL

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There's a place online called webstaurant store (or something like that) but they have pomace (9.99 a gallon) and EVOO (I think it was 16 a gallon) but you have to buy a case....they are in Pennsylvania, I think..shipping was just too much for me, but maybe some of you who live closer, it might work out for you and if you live where that place is, gosh you could pick it up and wouldn't that be a HUGE savings!

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