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Peaks pink sugar


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Hi Jeana,

Maybe I'm misunderstanding your post....Are you saying that you hope that when poured in the natural state with no coloring your hoping for NOT a natural looking candle but a very dark brownish color? I was wondering why you like a brown color? Do you still name it pink sugar or do you rename it? I was just curious thats all, so please don't take it the wrong way. I'm in no way trying to offend you...Its just neat how we all make our candles...Thats all...

And you say Peaks is a strong scent? Well you should see BCN's Pink Sugar! Talk about blowing you right out of the house! No joke either! I'm not a pink sugar lover at all but I thought I would try it because of the rave reviews everyone gives this scent. I made up a 1/2 dozen of them and have them in my store for the past I guess about 4 weeks and not a one has sold for me.....hmmm....And I colored them a beautiful pink (well, I think it is, lol) and not 1 taker... If anyone ever is dissatisfied with Peaks Pink Sugar I highly recommend BCN! And I use c-3....Here is a picture of how I did them....I wanted a very pale pale pink when I made them but they came out darker than how they showed up on my plate tester, but I really do happen to like the color even better....Being that I'm very rustic, lodgy and adirondacky, I renamed the scent to "Pink Flannel" for me..Being that the scent pink sugar is an extremely feminine girlie type scent I photographed the candles in a soft romantic type setting with a touch of white battenburg and with just a touch of blue flannel denim for the little rustic feel with my mothers picture of which she is no longer here with me today.....CIMG4552.jpg


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I have only used it once and it made me sick! LOL But I made it into a salt bar and it turned bright orange on me. Then It started to turn brown but it was splotchy. So now I have a bunch of brown and orange stinky salt bars! Good thing my daughter loves this scent.

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Hi Jeana,

Maybe I'm misunderstanding your post....Are you saying that you hope that when poured in the natural state with no coloring your hoping for NOT a natural looking candle but a very dark brownish color? I was wondering why you like a brown color? Do you still name it pink sugar or do you rename it? I was just curious thats all, so please don't take it the wrong way. I'm in no way trying to offend you...Its just neat how we all make our candles...Thats all...

And you say Peaks is a strong scent? Well you should see BCN's Pink Sugar! Talk about blowing you right out of the house! No joke either! I'm not a pink sugar lover at all but I thought I would try it because of the rave reviews everyone gives this scent. I made up a 1/2 dozen of them and have them in my store for the past I guess about 4 weeks and not a one has sold for me.....hmmm....And I colored them a beautiful pink (well, I think it is, lol) and not 1 taker... If anyone ever is dissatisfied with Peaks Pink Sugar I highly recommend BCN! And I use c-3....Here is a picture of how I did them....I wanted a very pale pale pink when I made them but they came out darker than how they showed up on my plate tester, but I really do happen to like the color even better....Being that I'm very rustic, lodgy and adirondacky, I renamed the scent to "Pink Flannel" for me..Being that the scent pink sugar is an extremely feminine girlie type scent I photographed the candles in a soft romantic type setting with a touch of white battenburg and with just a touch of blue flannel denim for the little rustic feel with my mothers picture of which she is no longer here with me today.....


I'm actually making soap with it not candles. :) When I do candles with this scent I do make it a soft pink.

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When I made it using the cphp method mine did not go all that dark but like others have said I am sure in cp method it will go dark.

Just curious why you want it to go dark?

I have a plan that I hope will work. I will post pictures of the finished product if it does work. I should get to it today if all goes well.

By the sounds of it, I think I will add some brown to it, instead of depending on it to brown evenly by itself.

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  • 3 years later...

This is an old post, but I love this presentation of thid Pink Sugar Candle!! Trap I think you did an excellent job on this! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the smell of Pink Sugar!!! I think it is soooo sexy!! And I love that you renamed it to fit the presentation you came up with, it was prefect for Pink Flannel!! It was a shame no one snap them right up! You could have sent all of them to me, I would have thought I won the lottery!!!! LOL

Sue Ann

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