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Htp wicks on apothecary

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On a 22 oz and 28 oz apothecary jar what

size wicks would you suggest for a starting point?

I would prefer to use 1 wick but I'd also appreciate info on double wicking also.

I use Cargil c-3

I use htp wicks so could you advise on the htp please...



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I do not use this wax or jars so I cannot help you there. What I would do first is search on this board then if you don't find your answer contact your supplier of the wax and ask them what type of wick and size they would suggest. I have never been able to wick a container that is 3" or wider with one wick. Good luck.

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If you are just starting out, is there some reason why you settled on such large containers? Big apothecary jars give folks fits trying to wick them properly with nearly ANY wick! I like CDNs (Stabilo KSTs) for C3 and the other veggie waxes I use. Searching the forum helps locate lots of information. ;)

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Hello Stella,

Thankyou for responding to my post. I've been making candles since last August and sell them in my store only in the larger container - the 24oz.

I don't make the small ones or even medium size ones...They just sell so great for me the larger ones and I've kept it to that...I use the 24oz. keepsake jar with a rust lid and they do beautifully for me with an htp 126 wick. I'm just looking at the possibility of trying another style jar of which I've ordered different samples of jars and just needed a starting point of a wick. My store is a very rustic adirondack home furnishings store and I have also ordered a dozen of the 16 oz paint cans with lids and handle of which I'm going to try to rust them (lol...if I can). I think they would be a very nice addition to my store and very different. I'm always looking for something different and unique to carry so that is the reason for my post for help in wick sizes.



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Hey Stella!

No not yet....I make a lot of custom furnishings, mirrors, cornice boards, etc out of birch bark, pinecones, acorns, and antler. I could put up some pictures here on this site if that is allowed probably in the off topic area...Learning to navigate around here! lol


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GB 464 and CD 22's are as close as I've gotten to single wicking a large Apothecary. There is NO WAY it would work with C-3... the melt point is way higher than with 464. You will get streaks of sooting in the wax with HTPs and that wax in a large container too... adds a funny burned smell.


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I can't speak for the C3, but in my soy/BW blend I single wick with an LX30. It works great for most FO, the heavier FO it can leave some hang up on one side but only if the wick goes off center and even then not enough for me to double wick, customers don't complain.

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Thanks everyone so far....Carrie I believe last year I was trying out this jar(can't remember) and I think I tried 2 83's and they were too hot for the jar....But I'll try again....Thankyou for giving me a starting point...


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