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Sam's Club Pour Pots

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You guys will think I'm nuts, but I use the really big cans my church gets green beans in for the soup kitchen. They use an opener that leaves a clean rim. I run them through the dishwasher and dry them in the oven on warm. They are great for 3lb of wax, you can fit 4, but they are hard for me to handle. I squeeze them in on the sides and you get a great crease for a pour spout. The ribs on the outside make them easy to handle and I use an old dishrag to grab onto the top on the opposite side I am pouring from. I get enough of them that I now have two for each fragrance, one for pillar wax, one for container. I put them in a frosted wastebasket liner labeled with the fragrance :Dand line them up on my shelves in the basement. I zero in my scale and just add 3lb more wax to the same can the next time I need that fragrance!

Nope, been there. Well, smaller anyway...lol. I tried a couple different veggie cans, but never found any that didn't have that coating inside. Yup, FO dissolves it enough to make a mess...lol

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Seems like our goodwill has gone up in price as well. I wanted little milk glass type bud vases to put my wooden rose boquets in for our 9 female basketball and cross country coaches and they were all $1.99 each. Not bad I guess If it wasn't coming out of my pocket. I think it is the first and third fridays though that they have 50% off any donated merchandise and I forgot to look at those when i went the last time. I did get a couple nice baskets cheap but again never thought of looking for coffee carafs.

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I have one of these. It works fine on large candles with wide rims, but it's difficult to pour into small containers. You've really got to pour slowly. Also, you'll have to wrap something around the aluminum handle-it gets hot. All in all, I prefer the ones with a pour spout & bakelite handle.


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I only use one specific can...no coating at all, no smell, no color...I've been doing it this way for 4 years now...never a problem with the uncoated cans. I know what you mean about the coating, it didn't take long to figure out that didn't work! I am loving this whole site, what great information, ideas etc and the pictures are beautiful.

Nope, been there. Well, smaller anyway...lol. I tried a couple different veggie cans, but never found any that didn't have that coating inside. Yup, FO dissolves it enough to make a mess...lol
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I picked up a regular pour pot at Pat Catan's... $15.95 BLAH:angry2:. I needed to do a larger batch, so it was quicker than waiting for it to be shipped.

I did however pick up 3 coffee carafes today at Prince of Peace for $1.00 each. I am guessing that I should be able to do a 2 lb batch in each pot. Now if only Goodwill would follow suit with their pricing.

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For some reason... I can't get the image of you with a giant pillar hanging off your face outta my head....

I have major candle nose goin on right now. WE just poured 5 scents: Granny's Apple Pie, Passion Fruit, Chocolate Orange, Kiwi Cucumber, and Honeydew Melon :shocked2:

I can't believe no one else had FO issues... maybe I'm crazy or had candle nose???
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Yep, the 12 cup ones hold 3lbs + FO. I have one for each scent I pour....I only use about 10-15 scents...that way I dont have to wash them often.

When I do wash them I just pour HOT water in them swish around and pour out the wax and water OUTSIDE in a hole (which is later covered up) That is using soy wax only.

anyway then I just wipe them out with papertowls and they are clean.


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I like my pouring pitchers from Candlewic. I bought dozens of them. Also....they run specials from time to time and I got a free pitcher with an order. I fill them up with 4 lbs of wax and FO. Then I use a plastic yogurt cup to scoop out the first wax. I can bend it a little to form a "spout".....after doing that a couple of times then I don't have any problem pouring directly from the pitcher. Cheap plastic cups will melt so don't even try. The yogurt cups hold up to the high heat that I use. I also use them to test colors. As they are white, you can pour in about 1/2" of wax and see the color. To be more exact....put it in the freezer for a few minutes and pop it out to see what the colors will look like when cooled. I used coffee cans when I first started making candles but then found that sometimes I want to put the pitcher on direct heat for one reason or another. Not a good idea with a can because you can spring a leak. After using my pitchers for a long time sometimes a little pin hole appears in the bottom. That can cause wax to leak out and you will have a FIRE!!!!!!!......When I used the coffee cans and put them into water for a double boiler that was fine....however....they rust. So little by little I built up my candle supplies and ended up with a gazillion pitchers (smile)......then I end up with a speck of wax in dozens of pitchers.....stupid.....then I have to melt it out before using it again. I just never seemed to learn to clean the pitcher right after using it....so just grabbed a clean one. Every once in awhile.....I melt the scrap wax and make a votive or two. I have so many votives that I don't fear a power outage. (smile) Donita

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I also prefer the pitchers for pouring. If I am doing a small batch then I mix up my wax and fo in the pouring pitcher. I have 5 of the large and 2 small and that serves me well. I do use my coffee pots for measuring the wax out of my presto pots or turkey fryer, which ever I am using at the time. But I don't mix in my coffee pots, they would be to hard to clean to me. With my pour pitchers I just always wipe them out while they are still hot and the wax comes out.

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