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disappearing scent in soap


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A few weeks ago I made a batch of Lavender soap that now has no more scent left. This time I tried using CS Lavender, I have tried EO before and that almost disappeared too. It was very strong in the beggining, it smelled great. The batch was 3lbs and I used 1.5 oz of FO.

Are there any tricks to get the scent back? Or what do you guys do when this happens? When you sell it do you just call it unscented soap?

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I almost always use 1 oz fo ppo. From reading how much you added to your 3 lb batch (1.5 oz), I'd say you're not using enough. Also, I see you are in San Diego. Do you have air conditioning? Is it blowing on them? Or a fan? That will cause your scent to disappear faster. HTH

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This has been happening to me a lot as well and its frustrating me! I have started using jojoba oil mixed with my FO to help anchor the scent and some are still dissapearing! I like my soap nice a strong smelling, I'm not sure what else to do. I stopped using much OO in my recipes cause it was hard to cover that scent and my fragrance was dissapearing.:angry2: I have used several different recipes so I know its not that..


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After the first 2 weeks, I usually put my soap in a more closed up box, like a plastic or cardboard shoe box. That helps retain the scent. Also, just because the scent is gone from the outer layer, doesn't mean it is gone from the soap. I've used bars that seemed to have lost their scent, and sometimes I find the inside still retains a lot of scent.

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I very rarely find a scent that I use less than .7 oz ppo. Also very rarely do I have to use more than that and if I do it doesn't stay around too long on my line because I want strong without having to use 1 oz or more ppo. Some scents just are not great. Some suppliers cut fragrances. I am not familiar with CS at all. I love Brambleberry (yes they are more expensive - I don't have to pay shipping so that helps as they are local to me - even if I had to ship they would be worth it), Aroma Haven/Rustic Essentials has been hit and miss but there are some there that I use that last FOREVER!!! I also have used Solas with good results for the the most part.

I get some EO's and FO's from Lillian at www.soapmakingessentialoils.com . It's a very "Friendly" environment there and things are not shipped ASAP as she does most of her purchasing as presells now, but shipping is reasonable and I have not gotten one oil from her that wasn't stronger than strong. The oils I use less than .7 oz ppo? those are nearly all from her! her prices are amazing as well. Tell her Bethany at Capella's Garden sent ya'!

As for selling a faded soap, those go to my clearance page or are sold in my buncha bars. It's true that sometimes the fragrance is still there underneath, so I wouldn't sell it as Fragrance Free. But I couldn't sell them as fragranced either as people expect to be able to smell it on the dry bar.

Cybilla (at Brambleberry) has a lavender bouquet that is very strong and sticks well. I am trying Lillians Lavender l'occitane type this week. Lavender EO is hard to stick unless you anchor with maybe litsea or the smallest hint of patch (which will cost your first born right now, LOL!). Have you gone to the scent review board to review fragrances? That helps me a lot too.

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I agree, with most FOs you have to use closer to 1 oz ppo for a strong scent. Even if they fade a bit, using enough can make them stick. With some FOs you can use less, occasionally a lot less, but I start by testing them at higher rates if I have enough on hand.

It can be very helpful to look up fragrances on the Soap Scent Review Board before trying them or even before buying them. If the supplier is popular with soapers, there can be a ton of info about how the FO you have in mind works in soap.

There's only one review of the CS Lavender, but it's a thumbs up at 1 oz ppo usage rate.

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The only fragrance I found that I can use at .5 oz ppo was Solas' honeysuckle. Now I will say that I think a couple of the Southern Soapers FOs can be used under 1 oz, but I have only made them at 1 oz and not under.

I did soap Peak's Lilac at about .8 an oz so we'll see what happens as it lives through the cure.

The patch honey I did at 1 oz ppo and could have gagged on the strength, but it isn't even a week old so it should become tame. (better lol)

About lavenders ... I have a nice bar still from soaping Peak's lavender. I'd have to look back on notes to find out what I used, but likely 1 oz ppo because I really like a strong lavender.

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Ok I guess I will just up the amount and try it again. Most of the time I have been able to get by with this amount of scent. I guess it freaks me out a little to put the 1 oz pp of FO or esspecially EO in the recipe. Not only for the expense issue, but I have always heard the expression "Less is more" concerning soap sometimes. I took this to mean that too much could actually decrease the smell too. So I have been conservative, not wanting to use more than I actually need.

This soap does put out a slight scent when wet.

I was wondering if spritzing them with some of the FO would revive it some. It is a really nice bar of soap its a shame the scent died out.

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Just out of curiousity..... isn't this an invite for DOS????:confused:

I tried plastic shoe boxes for a couple of months. they weren't air tight, so I figured they would breath...My soaps ended up sweating up a storm in there - some where 5 months old and still sweating! No DOS though. So now I use Cardboard. I have read and seen pictures of folks with CP in plastic shoe boxes and they seem to like them.

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