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Where do you store your soaps while they cure?

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I usually keep mine in my husbands studio which I have taken over with my supplies :D What I usually do is store them on a cooling rack for a day on a shelf then transfer them to the shelf by themselves. What Im wondering is how everyone else does it since Im running out of room LOL

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I bought a wire rack on wheels from Sam's that has 6 shelves. Each shelf will hold 600 pounds so I load it up. It is on wheels too so I can move it around. I only have one and it is full so I need to buy another. I love it but it does take up some room. I have a dedicated soaping area so I have the room.

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I'm going to make some racks up soon from plastic screen material and put them up high in my upstairs closet.

For now, they're sitting on paper towels on metal racks in my kitchen and they move from table to counter to stove a lot. LOL Thankfully it's not that much to move two small batches.

I wonder, in the summer, can you put them by the windows to cure faster? Like in a sunny window? Or would they melt actually?

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I don't have a rack yet, but hope to locate one soon or else will just build my own. I use cardboard box lids while my soaps are drying and then store them in some long cardboard boxes that I get for free and my soap slices fit in them nicely. I label the one edge and then stack. I have a dedicated space that I store all my soaping and candle supplies. (it's right on the other side of the wall from the dedicated space that I have all my tubs of fabric :laugh2: )

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OMG Louise you're a fabric junkie too? LOL What do you do with it? I collect fat quarters for quilting. Have a nice collection of stuff I just had to have. OMG I have a dresser just for my fq's. :laugh2:

Thank you singleyellowrose. Had no idea they would sweat so I guess that's not so good. LOL :)

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OMG Louise you're a fabric junkie too? LOL What do you do with it? I collect fat quarters for quilting. Have a nice collection of stuff I just had to have. OMG I have a dresser just for my fq's. :laugh2:

Thank you singleyellowrose. Had no idea they would sweat so I guess that's not so good. LOL :)

I'm a fabric junkie as well. :tongue2: I have one of those huge white industrial laminate cabinets you get from Home Depot filled completely with fabric and still have fabric in about 5 or 6 more totes. :embarasse

I store my soaps wherever I can find a place, on the kitchen table, counters, garage. Right now I found a cool wire rack in my garage and have some black raspberry vanilla on it but for some reason they keep sliding off and landing on the floor and the rack is not slanted. Oh and my garage smells divine and when I open the outside garage door it smells great just outside the door on the driveway. I love Peaks BRV.

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I store some of my supplies and my freshest batches of soap on wire cube racks I got at Target, in my(large) kitchen. They can be rearranged and I can collapse them down and use them for shows when I need them.

My living room couch is on an angle and there is alot of wasted space behind it. So dh found several large wooden plant racks by the side of the road. I polyurthaned them and put them behind couch. Gives me a nice neat looking area to store quite a few soaps back there.

Bonus, people always walk in my house and comment how good it smells! LOl:D

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After they're cured, like longer storage... does anyone else have a problem with dust bunnies? We're out in the boonies, dirt roads, very dusty here. I have a wire rack, but they get dusty and I don't like that. I tried cardboard boxes, but it's had to keep them separated enough for air to flow and not fall over. Maybe I'm missing something here :embarasse

OMG Louise you're a fabric junkie too? LOL What do you do with it? I collect fat quarters for quilting. Have a nice collection of stuff I just had to have. OMG I have a dresser just for my fq's. :laugh2:

I'm a recovered addict... though I still have 2 steamer trunks full of fabric I used to make Amanda summer clothes when she was little, 3 or 4. Umm... she's 20 now :laugh2: I can stop myself from buying more, usually, but just can't part with what I already have. Can we say PACKRAT? LOL

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LOL it's so hard to pass up pretty fabric too because you just will never know when you might need it! LOL

I'm loving it up this way with fabric. We have this closeout store chain called Marden's. It's a Maine small chain. They get some beautiful fabrics and OMG so cheap too! I mean, you can easily find like Moda at like 99 cents a yard if you go often enough.

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I just read this thread with a giggle, bearing in mind I only made my first soap yesterday & the second is under way I can see me having to clear the top shelf in my wardrobe.

And as for the fabric.......... I have a large flight trunk in my sitting room filled with fabrics & yarns for those projects I really am going to do, including a sack of old silk shirts etc which were going to become a patchwork bedspread.

I think I may have found another use for them now...gift wrapping my soaps when I get confident enough to give them away or even sell them.


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After they're cured, like longer storage... does anyone else have a problem with dust bunnies? We're out in the boonies, dirt roads, very dusty here. I have a wire rack, but they get dusty and I don't like that. I tried cardboard boxes, but it's had to keep them separated enough for air to flow and not fall over. Maybe I'm missing something here :embarasse

I get the mailing boxes from Staple's. They are stackable and I don't have a problem with the bars falling over. I also use shoe boxes (cardboard ones). HTH

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Ok, I'll fess up that I have 10 huge Rubbermaid tubs on wheels and then 5 smaller tubs, 5 paper carton boxes, 3 diaper carton boxes, 6 large black trash bags, and 1 dresser full of fabrics. I sew anything from quilts, formal wear, flannel pants, scrubs, coats, dolls and bunnies and craft items, to my own lined suits when I worked in my former life.

Ducky, you can find cardboard storage boxes at an office supply store that are small enough to hold each batch of soap, that way the scents won't mingle.

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I do HP but I let them harden up a little after cutting before I package them (Also know as "I have too much else to do at the moment and need to stick them somewhere for a few days until I can finish them up"). I place them in wicker baskets that are about 2' X 2.5' and about 3 inches deep. They stack wonderfully (I alternate the rotation), there isn't much to worry about when it comes to dust (the wicker captures it), there is plenty of airflow...I got them for an amazing .07 each!!! OH YEAH. Im a bargain hunter.:D I stocked up and have about 50 of the suckers. I don't think I run out of space anytime soon. They are also great for storing other things such as aprons and candle making rags. I also store candles in them and stack them. They are all over my "studio" being used to store this or that.

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DH finally got tired of my stacking finished product in one end of the shop and my ever-increasing supplies in the other so he converted our extra bedroom into a display area. I have one wall fixed with wire racks for my drying soap and my dad was kind enough to put together some adorable shelves to display them when packaged.


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