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Need help and advice please on liquid soap


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I have a book called Making Natural Liquid Soaps by Catherine Failor. I have read it over and over again and there are some questions I need to ask but they may seem dumb. Which process does everyone here use (1) the paste method (2) the alcohol/lye method or is there another method? How do you formulate your recipe and which calculator do you use for the KOH? Yes I am confused and need all the help I can get at this point. I may have left something else out here but not sure. TIA

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I have never read failors book so I'm not sure what you are referring too. I learned to make LS by searching forums and asking questions of other GM liquid soapers. I make only GM liquid soap and to avoid having to use alcohol in my soaps I cook it for 3 days on very low heat to make sure the superfat from my GM won't seperate out. It's a lot of work!!! I did make one batch without GM for my first batch, cooking it in a crockpot for about 3 hours and then putting the hot crock wrapped in towels in cooler overnight. then I diluted it like below. It was a pretty harsh soap though.

I dilute the paste with water that has a bit of borax in it. then I let it sit for a couple of weeks. I heat it a bit in the microwave before adding fragrance.

I use the calc on www.summerbeemeadow.com as I have read that it is the only one that truly gives a 0% superfat. I have compared the #'s with those on soapcalc and they are slightly different.

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I know that the method I used in the crockpot was posted on the whisk if you are a member there. it's a sticky in the soap forum.

Books - I did read some before I CP soaped the first time, but I found them confusing especially because sometimes the methods were outdated. I gleaned more from the net and asking on forums. same with LS - but I never read a book. And really the best thing to do is just try it. Because seeing the different stages first hand clears up a lot of the mystery. Snow drift farms also has a good formulary on making LS.

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I found Failor's book incredibly confusing - it jumps all over the place so it's hard to just follow directions using it. I use Soaplush/SoapFreak's method (and recipe). It's kinda a HP/CP mix. Posted on Tony's forum and the Dish.

(the alcohol method seems absurd to me - but I'm lazy so that might be why)

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I found Failor's book incredibly confusing - it jumps all over the place so it's hard to just follow directions using it.

(the alcohol method seems absurd to me - but I'm lazy so that might be why)

Ditto - I've read her book 10+ times over and until I actually attempted to make LS I did not understand a word of it. It was like reading greek to me. Once I made the LS I kind of understood a little more of what she was talking about, but you are right. She really jumps around and it really isn't a step by step account of how to make it, I don't think.

I also use the crock-pot method but I use my own tweaked version of what is posted on About.com.


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what is posted on About.com.


that guy just urks me. he makes out like everything is so simple and it's obviously NOT. he could warn folks, yanno?

also, on those links where he posted how to make lye there as one that said sunglasses are adequate eye protection. I brought it to his attention and he responded that he was just posting the link... people TRUST the guy, the least he could do is call out that the advice in the link wasn't very good!

OK - I'll give back your thread now.

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I use a combo of different methods. :D After having read Failors book numerous times, I too, have found her more and more confusing each time I reread it, but.... she does have some awfully good advice in there though.

It's really not that hard Diamond.... just jump in go for it!!:)

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also, on those links where he posted how to make lye there as one that said sunglasses are adequate eye protection.

Sunglasses??? WTH?

Yeah, it wasn't as easy as the method was posted and there was some stuff on there that just didn't make sense to me, so I just used it as a loose guideline. Once I actually did it and got the feel for it, it made more sense in hindsight.

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I dont' know if SnowDrift Farms still sells lye but you may want to check there. I get mine from a local chemical supplier at an unbelievable price. You might want to get the yellow pages and just start calling around. That's what I did and it worked out perfect.



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that guy just urks me. he makes out like everything is so simple and it's obviously NOT. he could warn folks, yanno?

also, on those links where he posted how to make lye there as one that said sunglasses are adequate eye protection. I brought it to his attention and he responded that he was just posting the link... people TRUST the guy, the least he could do is call out that the advice in the link wasn't very good!

OK - I'll give back your thread now.

The about guy annoys me. Once he posted a tutorial on how to make African Black soap, saying anyone can make it. I felt he was pretty much saying "what's the big deal about African Black soap, look, I can make it!"

FYI, liquid soap tutorial in the classroom next Friday night:)

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As usual I will be the odd one and say that from my very first batch I never had a problem with the about method or formula. It was too freakin easy as a matter of fact. I also learned to make balloon candles from that guys tutorial and didn't have a problem with that either. I must be from another planet because so far every tutorial i've read on about was not anywhere near complicated. I rarely click on any of the links so I can't say what ther deal is with that:undecided

I've referred several people to that site because of how simple and easy the tutorials are. I mean sheesh, you only use two oils, lye water and a crock pot:rolleyes2 how difficult can that be? It might help to have some experience making cp or cphp BUT it's not necessary..really people it's not that serious.

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Can you please let me know today all of the equipment we will need so I can go search or order the stuff this weekend. TIA

Class has been moved to March 23rd to give everyone a little more time to prepare. You will need sunflower oil (or similar) Coconut oil, KOH of course and a gallon of distilled water. I highly recommend sunflower oil as this is a tried and true recipe that will stay clear and remain clear, and very yummy for the skin.

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As usual I will be the odd one and say that from my very first batch I never had a problem with the about method or formula. It was too freakin easy as a matter of fact. I also learned to make balloon candles from that guys tutorial and didn't have a problem with that either. I must be from another planet because so far every tutorial i've read on about was not anywhere near complicated. I rarely click on any of the links so I can't say what ther deal is with that:undecided

I've referred several people to that site because of how simple and easy the tutorials are. I mean sheesh, you only use two oils, lye water and a crock pot:rolleyes2 how difficult can that be? It might help to have some experience making cp or cphp BUT it's not necessary..really people it's not that serious.

Glad it was easy for you...

I just found his tutorial very wordy or something, it's been awhile since I looked at it - I just remember thinking, "oh forget this!"

Really the best thing to do is just do it and actually see how the process works and if you fail then oh well. you try again. Nothing can compensate for hands on learning.

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Really the best thing to do is just do it and actually see how the process works and if you fail then oh well. you try again. Nothing can compensate for hands on learning.

Um right and you will need a starting point. Somebody must have forgotten to attach LS intructions and a formula to my birth certificate..LOL I am also very glad I found the info on about. I didn't read it a thousand times, I did exactly as you said and jumped right in!:D

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I tried my first batch of Liquid Soap after reading Catherine Failor's book. I used the double boiler method and it came out pretty good. The second time I made it I used a crock pot after reading threads here about making liquid soap. Someone pointed me to the about.com website and I read through the instructions from David Fisher for making basic liquid soap and I thought, what the heck. I went out and bought a crock pot just for soap making and I thought this process was much easier than the double boiler method, hands down! I am still working on my dilution process though. I either leave it too thick, or make it too thin!

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As far as I know, "slow cooker" is just another term for a crockpot. Hey, I got my 6 qt. soaping crockpot at the thrift store for $5! You can't beat that price! :D Check around at your local thrift stores like Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc and see what you can find. I hear they are good for finding stickblenders and salad shooters too but I guess I'm not that lucky yet! ;)

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