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Candle Wick Finishing

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Would like to get a few opinions on the most durable and effective trimmer for unburned wick for candle finishing.

BCN has a conventional trimmer that they say is only for burnt wick. They also have the Clip-a-Wick trimmer which I already have. That one's good but not appropriate for finishing because it can leave a circle around the wick.

Is the Clean-Cut the one for the job or is there something better? It looks all fancy but I just want something that works great and doesn't wear out easily.

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Guest highflier

Hey Top I just ordered 144 clean cut trimmers to sell at the store. They work great on burnt and unburnt wicks. I'm trimming all my wick to size on every candle we pour. Very durable and heavy duty.


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I have quite a collection of wick trimmers including the ones that are mentioned in this thread. I have to tell you, stop wasting your money on all these gadgets. I have found that in my personal experience that nothing beats a good pair of nail clippers- the big ones for your toes.

Laugh if you will :P ... they work great and cost very little.

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I use wire cutters too and occasionally toenail clippers. My kitties' nail trimmers work great too, but my husband made those off limits because he's the one that trims the kitties' nails and he didn't like what I was doing to the trimmers!


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Are you guys referring to prior to burning your candle, or during, for trimming??? Would how you trim make a difference to how it burns????

I'm talking about the initial trimming when the candle is complete. I believe that's what he was asking about. This is what I use... though I got it at Wal-Mart pet dept for 3 or 4 bucks a few years ago. That was when the kittes were still small enough they would hold still for trimming. Now they run from them. :tiptoe: At least I get good use from them now :grin2:


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