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Annoying! Wrong info. concerning smoking wicks

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I took over several sample container candles to a local store owner that is possibly intrested in selling candles. She loved my scents and expressed great interest. I left a burning tips flyer and pointed out to keep the wicks trimmed and out of drafts. I went back a few days later and she was testing one of the candles. She went on and on about how much she really liked the candle. I returned 2 weeks later and she had some very interesting:rolleyes2 comments. We suddenly have a large crop of sellers in my area from one of those pre-made candle companies. I don't want to get into the whole wax type issue here again so I'll avoid saying which company it is. These are the guys that go around at craft fairs bad mouthing other candle makers to get people over to their booth. They spread false information and they all seem to have the same sale pitch. Well, I could tell one of them must have spoke to the store owner because she sounded almost exactly like what these sales people state at the craft fairs. First, she insisted that any metal wick is indeed a lead wick! I have the information about zinc and lead on the flyer explaining the difference. I was very polite and explained it again but she seemed to already have her mind made up. Then she made some comments concerning wax types. I'll avoid that since I don't want to start another wax war here. Here is the kicker to all of this...she said that my candles were smoking! What? I never had that problem and was shocked. I asked where the candles burning thinking there might have been a draft or maybe they weren't trimming the wicks. I asked to light one so I could see the problem. After lighting and waiting about 15 min. I didn't see any smoke. I asked her when did the smoke occur. She said there is smoke when she "blows the candle out!" *faint* Well, duh! You think so? I calmly explained that dipping the wick back into the melted wax would take care of that if it was a major concern. That's when she said that this other sales person told her that "their candles NEVER produce smoke." I asked if she had test burned one of their candles and had blown out the flame. She hadn't recieved any of their candles yet. She only spoke with the sales person. I remained very calm and suggested that she blow out one of their wicks and see what happens. I would be interested in hearing her results. I told her thank you for considering my candles and left on a very pleasant note.

I am wrong here? A lit wick produces flame, combustion right? I give a flyer, I demo in person the importance of allowing the candle to reach a full melt pool, I sell wick trimmers. My warning lables are very clear. What else is there to do?

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IMO you have done all you can do. Hang in there. You may still get the account. Try not to be angry etc..... it seems there is a candle war out there. Do what you do best and just try to move on. I certainly do feel empathy for your situation.

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Now if this shop keeper is an intelligent person why did she order candles from someone who bad mouths others products?!! so unprofessional!

You did good. You were nice and explained what you could but didn't push the issue.

I have an idea this shop keeper may be disappointed in the candles 'that don't smoke' once she tries them.

ANYTHING that you light and has a flame on it produces smoke. Duh! She sure was a sucker to this other candle person's lame sales pitch.

You may get the last laugh on this.

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I'm just laughing in astonishment at the idea that someone would be surprised/upset/bothered by the fact that when you blow out a burning candle, the wick produces smoke. What, has she never seen a candle before? That's just nuts. She's never had a birthday cake in her life? Anything that burns will produce smoke when the fire is put out.

I'm sorry the other company seems to be getting to her. You did everything you could, and handled yourself in a professional manner - if you don't get this account, it's certainly no fault of yours, and it will be her loss.

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I am quickly approaching the age were the first thing that comes to my mind tends to fly right out of my mouth. :shocked2: I am sometimes shocked that I actual said certain things right out loud! So I am very greatful that on that particular day I was able to bite my tongue. I was shocked at her comment and I actually wanted to laugh and ask her if she was serious. I quickly got the impression that she had been fooled by the other guys sales pitch. She wasn't really even listening to me, interupting before I had a chance to complete my sentence. I could see in her eyes that when I was talking she was only thinking about what she was going to say next.

We all take such great pride in our products that I have to admit at first my feelings were just slightly hurt. However, I quickly realized exactly what Stella stated! I don't think this is the type of person that I want selling my products. I stressed how important it was to keep wicks trim and containers free of debris. I had left a wick trimmer with her and demo. how handy it is for reaching into the container. She never used it!

Whatever kind of training program they use to get these people to become sales people for those candles must be very powerful. I find them to be bullies! I often wondered if it was just those individuals personality or if that was actual how they are trained to represent those candles. What bothers me the most is that they are making false statements and most of them have never actual made a candle. The market is so over saturated at this time that I think some people just become desperate and will resort to just about anything to make a sale.

Thanks for the comments! I realize that I have given written information, label warning is clear and easy to understand, I verbaly provide as much information as possible. I can't do more than that. This is actual a blessing in disguise! If someone is determined to be a dumb butt then there isn't much else I can do! :D

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What bothers me the most is that they are making false statements
That's right where my head starts to spin around and the green pea soup thing happens...*faint* A real "trigger" for me is the "no soot, no smoke" allegations about soy-based waxes. Do people not understand the concept of combustion of hydrocarbons? Like where there's smoke, there's fire and vice versa? :rolleyes2 Then there's the "helping the poor American soy farmer" thing... OMG, it just sets me OFF... I think I feel angrier at the "all-natural" hype because it takes advantage of a basically good concept and corrupts it with the same greedhead, capitalist marketing bull as any other product marketed to manipulated "consumers".

OK. I'm gonna chill.:lipsrseal It's like talking to some young adults - sometimes there is simply not enough energy to plow through the bull to find the switch that MAY turn on the brain. :meditate:

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That's right where my head starts to spin around and the green pea soup thing happens...*faint* A real "trigger" for me is the "no soot, no smoke" allegations about soy-based waxes. Do people not understand the concept of combustion of hydrocarbons? Like where there's smoke, there's fire and vice versa? :rolleyes2 Then there's the "helping the poor American soy farmer" thing... OMG, it just sets me OFF... I think I feel angrier at the "all-natural" hype because it takes advantage of a basically good concept and corrupts it with the same greedhead, capitalist marketing bull as any other product marketed to manipulated "consumers".

OK. I'm gonna chill.:lipsrseal It's like talking to some young adults - sometimes there is simply not enough energy to plow through the bull to find the switch that MAY turn on the brain. :meditate:

I kid you not, just ran into this one the other day:

"Soy candles are the preferred choice for the health-minded candle lover because of the natural properties it emits into the air...............

Live a healthier life…burn soy candles."

Who knew? ;)

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"Soy candles are the preferred choice for the health-minded candle lover because of the natural properties it emits into the air...............

It is almost impossible to refute claims that are made because there is very little hard data to support EITHER position! I have never polled "health-minded candle lovers" for their opinions, so what do I know about the reasons they have for choosing soy-based wax candles?

See what I mean?:wink2: Despite the fact that it makes me wanna barf, people are free to write it and to read it and to believe it or not... The government doesn't give a crap one way or the other!

Take action. Don't let them get away with it. Get a hold of whatever written claims they are spewing and report them. There are truth-in-advertising rules in place.

PuhLEEZE! I lost my belief in our government's defense of "truth in advertising" at least 30 years ago!!! If companies can get away with advertising male enhancement products on television, there's no hope of getting a complaint about marketing BS about soy-based wax candles cleaned up...

The problem isn't the government not policing the advertising industry, the problem is that the ethics of business owners allow them to make such bulls*** claims in the first place. If that's what a company has to do to make people buy, they are considered clever, successful and good marketers, not liars and manipulators.

It is OUR acceptance and participation in the lack of ethics that is the problem. The only solution is to not buy from companies who market their products with a healthy dose of bovine fertilizer.

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I agree! For the most part it is a good concept. I use both types of wax. It's the false marketing that bothers me the most. Twisting the truth or just flat out lies. I believe in letting a product stand on it's own merit. I don't belive in knocking down and bashing a competitor's product just to make a sale. Especially if it is with false statements. One other area that tends to get under my skin is that no matter how much information I provide it is sometimes impossible to get people to even read it. In this case I gave a very brief verbal explaination of the products, a few hand out burning safety tips for candles sheets, and a detail Q&A supplier information packet, and wick trimmers. In the packet I covered the smoke issue and explained how some candles produce light grey smoke. If burned incorrectly(drafts, wick not trimmed, certain container shapes...)ANY candle has the potential to produce visible soot. If at all possible I like the seller of my products to have the answers for the questions that a customer might ask. It was obvious that she hadn't even bothered to read the provided information.:angry2:

It just proves that you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink!

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It is almost impossible to refute claims that are made because there is very little hard data to support EITHER position! I have never polled "health-minded candle lovers" for their opinions, so what do I know about the reasons they have for choosing soy-based wax candles?

See what I mean?:wink2: Despite the fact that it makes me wanna barf, people are free to write it and to read it and to believe it or not... The government doesn't give a crap one way or the other!

PuhLEEZE! I lost my belief in our government's defense of "truth in advertising" at least 30 years ago!!! If companies can get away with advertising male enhancement products on television, there's no hope of getting a complaint about marketing BS about soy-based wax candles cleaned up...

The problem isn't the government not policing the advertising industry, the problem is that the ethics of business owners allow them to make such bulls*** claims in the first place. If that's what a company has to do to make people buy, they are considered clever, successful and good marketers, not liars and manipulators.

It is OUR acceptance and participation in the lack of ethics that is the problem. The only solution is to not buy from companies who market their products with a healthy dose of bovine fertilizer.

No, the problem is that most are passive, just swallow it and do nothing.

I on the other hand, would challenge it.

Make outrageous claims and untruths targeted at my customer base, trust me, I will come after you.

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