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The Experiment: Day 2


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Well.....armed with all the directions this morning, I attempted to duplicate Barbara and Soapfreak's wonderful HP creations. As we all saw, my attempts yesterday were....shall we say...mutilated? :shocked2:

There was a point, midway through, where I thought to myself. "CRAP! I should have just gotten Barbara's phone number and called her while I did this! I wonder if *that* is normal?" :undecided Please keep in mind that I a) have CPHP'd before, so not a total noob and B) have used all the ingredients before (sodium lactate, goatsmilk, etc). DUH.

I did have to pull the crock out of the base and let the soap cool down enough to addd the goatsmilk paste. And by then it was starting to dry out it seemed sorta icky. Eh, learning curve. I did pull out too much soap and colored it.....and I used to much colorant and made it too dark, but, it's not too bad at all! I didn't get the pretty marble look...but I wasn't TOO far off. At least it doesn't totally look like spam. I am a bit too lazy though and didn't clean them up yet.

It's scented with AH/RE Sweet Orange/Green Clover and I'm TOTALLY digging this scent!

And now you are thinking, "Good grief, shut UP already and show us the soap!" Hehehehe.


Ain't it purdy?? Much better than yesterday!


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Yes Donna those are Pretty and the smell is probably devine I wish we had smellavision I am so proud you got the nerve to do it again and the swirling is nice too.

If you want to break up the swirls some more just run the bamboo stick through there again.

They will harden fast with the sodium lactate in there.



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Wow, I have an old box of kotex here from like 1995, shall I send them for your soap?

eewww, just, just... YACK!

Damn, call me again and I'll rewalk you thru soap basic 100 and intermediate wound festering 201.

After that, we'll move along with "How to shoot a soap fairy and not have it stick in the current batch you are working on, hence bleeding all over everything" 401. Prerequisite for the advanced course is "Brownies and soap fairies, how to make beautiful soap together without gaining 30lbs" :D

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