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Scent throw with soy

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I've gone out and bought all of the correct equipment and supplies to make candles and they have turned out beautiful ... as have my tarts. One problem ... THE CANDLES HAVE NO THROW! None! My tarts smell great ... candles ... nada!


1 lb. EcoSoya CB 135 Soy Wax

1.8 oz FO

Dye color

7 & 11 ounce tureen jars

6" Cotton Core Wicks (1 in the 7oz, 2 in the 11oz)

I was melting my wax at 155 (according to the suppliers web site) but I'm going to try it hotter. I've also let them "cure" for 3 days. Any suggestions would really be appreciated. I'm about to pull all of my hair out. :angry2:

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First remove your hands from your hair.... it is fixable!!

My suggestion would be to try another wick. I didn't care for the cotton core that I first got with my wax. I use the CBA, pure and PB.

Your temps sound right on to me, that is what I do.

Try the CD wicks, so far they seem to have the best throw of all of the ones I have tested.

Good luck

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I'm w/ FunFlames........keep that hair in your pretty little head for the time being!

I use CB135 and have since I started back candlemaking. It seems to me that that's quite a bit of FO for the 135. I'd cut back to between 1-1.5 oz. The vanilla's won't usually throw with more than 1oz pp. I heat my wax to 175-180. Also a lot of scents in 135 need extra curing time. I usually let my candles cure for a full two weeks. Some people don't like that long of a curing time, but if I really like a scent, it's well worth it.

FunFlames is on the money about the CD wicks. That's what I've been using and they great with most scents. I also use eco's. They do very well with the 135. HTH

Keep in touch and let us know how things go!

Best of luck,


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I agree with the above posters too. CD wicks are GREAT (I use the 464) also do try to cut back on the FO sometimes less is much better. If you use too much you can actually clog the wick. It was really hard for me to learn to cut back on FO, I have and my candles are alot better than they used to be....:D

Also if you are supposed to pour slushy...not sure with your wax...then make sure you do. The temp you pour at can also affect the throw.


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I'm w/ FunFlames........keep that hair in your pretty little head for the time being!

I use CB135 and have since I started back candlemaking. It seems to me that that's quite a bit of FO for the 135. I'd cut back to between 1-1.5 oz. The vanilla's won't usually throw with more than 1oz pp. I heat my wax to 175-180. Also a lot of scents in 135 need extra curing time. I usually let my candles cure for a full two weeks. Some people don't like that long of a curing time, but if I really like a scent, it's well worth it.

FunFlames is on the money about the CD wicks. That's what I've been using and they great with most scents. I also use eco's. They do very well with the 135. HTH

Keep in touch and let us know how things go!

Best of luck,


I am going to sound like a complete moron ... but what are CD wicks? Also, are you saying in your post that if I put more FO than is actually needed it may cause the throw to be even less?

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yes CD is a brand of wicks...

candle science

Ky candle and supply

I know there are more suppliers but those two came to mind first.

and yes....less can be better. It takes alot of time testing and be sure to take NOTES....it sucks toget it right then forget what you did....ask me how i know that one!!


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I also think that less FO is better. And in my opinion there are scents that will throw from CS no matter how you treat them. Hansel and Gretel and Cranberry Marmalade are two I have tried several adding temps and wick and I always get throw in eco pure.Plus scent throw is subjective you might not think you do but you do.Natalie

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tootie..........is that true, if you don't pour cool enough, it could affect scent throw?! I have never heard that one before. I thought you only poured cool for less frosting and smooth tops! Maybe that is what's wrong with some fo's I'm having no luck with. I never pour slushly(125 is as cool as i let it get) and I use 435 , which is similiar to 135, I think. Well, I'm gonna try that! I can't get peach magnolia rasberry to throw for nothing! I tried 1.3 oz and 1.5 oz, nada. Presently I am curing it for 2 weeks to see if that was it. Soooooo possibly, less fo and pour slushy? (Sorry didn't mean to butt in):undecided Oh and Tennessee Candle Supply has CD wicks for $6.00 per 100, which is pretty good. Try a cd-14 in that 7 oz and a cd-16 in the 11 oz. HTH ( thats ballpark, give you a start to go up or down)Oh and make sure you are NOT buying your fo from a hobby store like A.C. Moore or Micheals....they don't have throw worth nothing. Try Bittercreek or better yet Bluegrass Candle Supply. Their scents will knock your socks off!

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tootie..........is that true, if you don't pour cool enough, it could affect scent throw?! I have never heard that one before. I thought you only poured cool for less frosting and smooth tops! Maybe that is what's wrong with some fo's I'm having no luck with. I never pour slushly(125 is as cool as i let it get) and I use 435 , which is similiar to 135, I think. Well, I'm gonna try that! I can't get peach magnolia rasberry to throw for nothing! I tried 1.3 oz and 1.5 oz, nada. Presently I am curing it for 2 weeks to see if that was it. Soooooo possibly, less fo and pour slushy? (Sorry didn't mean to butt in):undecided Oh and Tennessee Candle Supply has CD wicks for $6.00 per 100, which is pretty good. Try a cd-14 in that 7 oz and a cd-16 in the 11 oz. HTH ( thats ballpark, give you a start to go up or down)Oh and make sure you are NOT buying your fo from a hobby store like A.C. Moore or Micheals....they don't have throw worth nothing. Try Bittercreek or better yet Bluegrass Candle Supply. Their scents will knock your socks off!

I'm actually purchasing my FO's from Peak. Does anyone here use those? Having problems?

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I (along with many folks here :wink2:) use FOs from Peak's. They work great with no more than 1 oz. pp of FO with CDN (Stabilo KST) wicks and NatureWax C3. HTH:D

I did a few test batches over the last 4 or 5 days and still no luck. This is how we did the two test batches:

Wax: 1 pounce EcoSoya 135 CB - heated to 190

Scent: 1 ounce (from peak - pina colada and botanical orchard/nectar) - added at 180

No color and poured at 130.

7 ounce tureen jar with 1 6" cotton core c75 wick (all from peak). Not one bit of scent unless you are right over the candle practically burning your nose off.

They have been curing for 3 or 4 days and still nothing. The tarts on the other hand smell AWESOME! :D I even had my friend take a candle home - no smell for her either so it isn't candle nose.

I'm about ready to give up. :cry2:

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The tarts on the other hand smell AWESOME!

That may be your answer. If the tarts smell awesome, then I wouldn't be looking so much at the FOs - they are obviously capable of a good hot throw. I'd be looking at my wicking. :wink2:

Try some CDN wicks. They are the same as CDs except they have been treated to resist the acids in veggie waxes. Available from JBN and others. JBN has a sample package with all of the sizes they carry in it.

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That may be your answer. If the tarts smell awesome, then I wouldn't be looking so much at the FOs - they are obviously capable of a good hot throw. I'd be looking at my wicking. :wink2:

Try some CDN wicks. They are the same as CDs except they have been treated to resist the acids in veggie waxes. Available from JBN and others. JBN has a sample package with all of the sizes they carry in it.

I'm starting to think that is the problem also! I'm sorry, as I'm new to this, but what is JBN? Thank you so much for your help!


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Just By Nature. There is a sticky at the top of the General Candlemaking forum that says "Helpful Links for Newbies" Click on Abbreviations/ Supplier Links and you will find many suppliers listed with the abbreviations we use for them along with other short cuts like MP and FMP and FO, etc. HTH :)

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I did a few test batches over the last 4 or 5 days and still no luck. This is how we did the two test batches:

Wax: 1 pounce EcoSoya 135 CB - heated to 190

Scent: 1 ounce (from peak - pina colada and botanical orchard/nectar) - added at 180

No color and poured at 130.

7 ounce tureen jar with 1 6" cotton core c75 wick (all from peak). Not one bit of scent unless you are right over the candle practically burning your nose off.

They have been curing for 3 or 4 days and still nothing. The tarts on the other hand smell AWESOME! :D I even had my friend take a candle home - no smell for her either so it isn't candle nose.

I'm about ready to give up. :cry2:

I have used all three sizes of these jars. I have found that jars that are more open do not get as hot (the jar or the meltpool) and this can affect the throw. A tart will heat up much hotter than the surface of the meltpool even though the wax is melted on the top of the candle -- especially in a one wicked wide mouthed jar. I have noticed that one wickers that are in a narrower jar or a narrower one with a curved neck throws the scent better. If that oil can throw well in that wax in a wicked candle, I bet you would notice a difference if you moved up to the 10 oz. jar and double wicked it.

Here is an example why I think that tarts will throw easier than a wicked candle: Even if you take two wickless candles -- one in a larger jar (16 oz. thick glass jar) and one in a smaller jar 7 oz. thick glass tureen or 6 oz. metal tin) and from my testing the smaller jars will give off a stronger throw because it gets to the right heat. I also think that tarts and wickless candles throw the scent better in general because there are no flames. I have used the really big tureens (double wicked) and the throw with those are definitely not as strong as the throw in the double wicked 10 oz. I have also noticed this with the 3 wick heart jars or any jars that are very open. This is just my experience and others may have a different experience.

I should say though that it is a fine line when it comes to wicked candles. I have noticed that if a candle is over wicked to where the flames are too large it will back fire on you -- the liquid wax may be hot enough but the throw is not as good. I think this is because the flames that are too big and hot are burning it up as it starts to release into the air, but I do not know for sure.

You may find in the end though that that fragrance may not throw as well in any wicked candle with that wax compared to the tart. I am sure you can find the right oils to work in the 7 oz. one wicked tureens, but they may be harder to find and will have to be ones that have a kick butt throw. I love the look of the 7 oz. and they could work in smaller rooms if the right oils are found. I use them for my other wickless jar (also use the tins). I am developing a spa line right now -- 1 wicked Madison jars and even though they are not wide mouthed I am pretty sure I will have to hunt around more for the great throwers for a one wick jar compared to my double wicked apothecaries. The two oils I have tried so far that I really want to use are not throwing quite like I want in the particular wax I am testing for this jar. I am sure it is going to drive me nuts! :undecided

Good luck in your testing. :)

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Well, shoot! I was responding to your 7 oz. jar post and now read your original post again and noticed you tried the 11 oz. jar with two wicks. Even though my post still holds true to me, it may not be your problem with that oil. I still think some oils will not throw as strong in wicked candles as in wickless no matter what. It could be because it needs to get hotter to release it...I don't know. You will have to keep testing lots of oils to try to find the ones that work in that wax and if you end up getting great burns but too many duddy throwers I would move on to another wax. I think you will find though that it is easier to create that stronger throw in the double wick jar. Good luck.

ETA: I have found it hard to find a really strong throwing Pina Colada -- to my nose anyway and especially in soy. Except it will throw strong in wickless candles. I am still looking but think I may have found one.....at TNC. I have that Botanical one but have not yet tested it.

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