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In love with Lavender!

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Oooh I haven't tried Lavender yet. Maybe I should. I know it is part of AromaTherapy lines. As you can see by my name I like Vanilla. Although a couple people laughed at me a while back because I asked what the difference is between Vanilla and FrenchVanilla regarding FO's. But I couldn't smell a difference. Oh well to each his own, or at least it should be. I like fruit smells. Strawberry being another favorite.

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well sometimes if you smell something a lot you get used to the scent and can't smell the difference but.... your name does imply you know a lot about Vanilla fragrances. No biggie. Sh*t happens, ya know? Lavender is very calming to me. I just recently had my first child and had a very high risk pregrancy because of stress and I used Lavender everything! I am surprised my son didn't come out looking like a lavender blossom! LMAO! It helped. it helped me sleep. Maybe I should have come up with something involving Lavender for my name.

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Mine is coconut, love it, very soothing to me. Where as Lavender stinks, I have about 10 Lavenders, I want to like it but I just can't. But the soap by Yardley called English Lavender is wonderful. Wish I could find that exact scent. Believe me I have tried..

I also love vanilla in just about every way except with musk, yuck on the musk stuff. And the same name of vanilla is very different from each supplier so maybe VanillaSniffie that's why you can't tell the difference. There isn't any....???

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Lemon lavender, lavender vanilla, ginger & frankincense, nag champa, Tuscan Herb, White Tea & Ginger... oh jeeze... I could go on and on... Too many to have ONE fave, but if I did, it would probably be my ol' favorite for the past ummmm 35 years... patchouli.

I found one English Lavender, Sharon...


Dunno if it's the same as the Yardley...

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Lemon lavender, lavender vanilla, ginger & frankincense, nag champa, Tuscan Herb, White Tea & Ginger... oh jeeze... I could go on and on... Too many to have ONE fave, but if I did, it would probably be my ol' favorite for the past ummmm 35 years... patchouli.

I found one English Lavender, Sharon...


Dunno if it's the same as the Yardley...

Might smell like it, English Lavender, but cost too much for me. And Patchouli, OMG it's the worst. everyone you like , I hate, we could not work together. :embarasse

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Have you tried this one by Scent Works:

English Lavender

"This is NOT an essential oil scent, rather this is the lavender for your customers who find the real thing 'too medicinal'. Closer to the English lavender used by Yardley in their very popular soap, this fragrance is sweet and delicate..."


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For many many years I have been using essential oils from Liberty Natural. The lavender doesn't smell medicinal if you don't over do it. I only use a little and it smells wonderful. The price varies from day to day. It is a commodity. There are different lavenders. If you want to know....call Liberty and ask them. I have found them to be very helpful. Lavender candles that I have made still smell wonderful after years. My daughter's midwife always loved the candles I gave her. Donita

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I love Lavender too. My bar soaps are almost gone and the next batch of shampoo is going to be Lavender as well. My dipped baby bears are all lavender too and one each week for 3 weeks has kept the smell strong in here. When the last bear is done and the Red Cross gift basket is done, I think I'll definitely be ready for a break from the Lavender! That's all I can smell around here...lol.

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Might smell like it, English Lavender, but cost too much for me. And Patchouli, OMG it's the worst. everyone you like , I hate, we could not work together. :embarasse

*Chuckle* Viva la difference!:yay: It works out for customers because the fruity, perfumy and bakery scents are anathema to me so I would not be a good judge of how a customer would feel about them. They will have to find other sources for those. But for green, herbal, woodsy, fresh, more "natural" fragrances, I have it dialed in, so folks who like those will be better served because THOSE I can sample and judge. It's all GOOD!! :D

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Maybe what it amounts to is I hate every Lavender EO and most FO I have bought. But when it comes to soaps I prefer Lavender over any others. When I have soap made or make myself I always want Lavender, Lily of the Valley by Sweet Cakes and Stress Relief from AGE. Made a batch of Salt Soap awhile back with Bulgarian Lavender EO but it isn't strong enough, can't smell it. Mostly I like EO in soap just not candles. And never Patchouli....

I'll give Liberty a call, thanks.

And Lavender Bears sounds great. mmmmmmm

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