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Good news/bad news


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The good news is I don't have to do a thing to get ready for the show in 2 weeks. The bad news is because the show yesterday SUCKED! I had 3 sales totalling $26.00 (Booth fee was $26.70) Amand a was the big seller with around $33.00. We were back to back with the only other soap maker. There were 4 other candle vendors, including the Bella Mia lady telling people I make cancer causing candles! grrr. Our friend Amanda had to compete with 4 other jewelry people in our room and 5 in the other room! People walking around - nobody buying. Long, boring, frustrating day!

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There were 4 other candle vendors, including the Bella Mia lady telling people I make cancer causing candles! grrr.

If that had been me, I'd have pulled that little lady aside, and asked her if she knew the meaning of slander, and then told her to look it up. That is uncalled for. She must have felt threatened. Anyway..sorry your show was bad, here's hoping your next one is much better.

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Oh Georgia we've been up against the Mia Bella people twice. They like to compare their container candles to pillars -- Morons! I can't stand Mia Bella because of their shady practices. It's why I want to get an information brochure or handout together to give to people. The public will believe anything. I probably would have confronted them and asked for proof they cause cancer. I've seen your pillars and they're gorgeous and yummy! I don't have cancer yet either. I hate these sales tactics.

Sorry you had a bad show and had to deal with those assanine people.

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If that had been me, I'd have pulled that little lady aside, and asked her if she knew the meaning of slander, and then told her to look it up. That is uncalled for. She must have felt threatened. Anyway..sorry your show was bad, here's hoping your next one is much better.

i agree wholeheartedly.

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Well, Amanda did want to crack her in the face with an elbow, but we decided that would get us thrown out of the show....

I like the idea of countering with an information sheet, though. I may work on that between now and the next show. Fight fire with fire. (I's a candlemaker's pun!)

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I know what you mean by the Mia Bella People!:tongue2: I had one setup next to me at a show this summer and she was telling the customers I was lying when I said my candles were 100% soy. A customer of mine called her on it and she shut up but was asked to put her candles away and just sell her stuffed animals. She's nice enough but the company told them to lie about any and all compition in the area. I guess that's me!:laugh2:

BTW, I was so nice to her and her husband that I had the other people in the tent giggling up a storm. She's lying about my candles and I'm bringing them a meal that I paid for; gave them an extra chair and so forth. I think she felt bad about the lies but I informed her that my candles sold themselves! She didn't sell anything but one votive

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Well, Amanda did want to crack her in the face with an elbow, but we decided that would get us thrown out of the show....

I like the idea of countering with an information sheet, though. I may work on that between now and the next show. Fight fire with fire. (I's a candlemaker's pun!)

Talk to Cetacea. She'd probably be happy to oblige with the ton of information and research she has done. I think she would like to be asked for permission to reuse it though. I know I'll be asking when I get my poo together lol!

Heck F&I how sweet are you!! LOL! I cannot imagine a company that wishes to be the next Yankee would spew such garbage as they do. THe first time we saw them they sent a child to downplay our product in a group of people and then turned around and bought from us again. We're pillar people. The dweebs are containers ya know?

Funny how Yankee, even though we know all about them, can have the reputation it does. This Mia Bella isn't going to come close because of its cheap, unethical sales pitches.

Both times we saw Mia Bella booths they packed up and left long before the shows were over.

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Awwwww, honey, that just bites!! Sorry to hear that you guys had such a horrible day. I've seen those people at shows and they are horrible. I wasn't even a vendor at the time and I found myself wishing for them to get a flat tire on the way home (I know, that's mean) :tongue2:

From what we've all seen here, you make awesome candles. It just sucks that you had such horrible sales. Whoever set up the spots should not have had you all lumped together.

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I'm so sorry you didn't sell out.. Now, get those pamphlets ready for the next one!

And if your candles cause cancer, I'd be dead.. I'm trying with all my might not to eat the ones I got in the white elephant! The throw is absolutely awesome, and they burn perfect!

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Hey at least you sold something.. I just had a sale this past weekend and I sold nothing. Lots of lookers but no buyers. The sale wasn't advertised that well. I just keep plugging away. I actually like doing shows because I get to work on my set up.

Things will turn around, I feel that it is just plain slow...

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I'm so sorry you didn't sell out.. Now, get those pamphlets ready for the next one!

And if your candles cause cancer, I'd be dead.. I'm trying with all my might not to eat the ones I got in the white elephant! The throw is absolutely awesome, and they burn perfect!

Those were absolutely awesome weren't they!!

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Mia Bella, was the lady a rep or was she the owner that actually makes the candles??

I was letting my mom test my candles at her office and a rep that also works for my mom came in and told her that her candles are better.

I confronted her, she told me that I'll never make a penny selling because hers are better, I asked her if she ever made a candle in her life, she said no, I just laughed in her face and walked away.

I hope you do better next time, Christmas is comming maybe have some specials if you can.

Mindy :smiley2:

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