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Popsicle/Dreamsicle Soap Technique


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I have just recently begun working with soap. I have worked with wax for years.

I would like to make my kid’s those popular dreamsicle/popsicle soaps on a stick. The ones with the chocolate on the outside and the white ice cream in the middle. Like the attached photo…


Does anyone know how to achieve this look, or know where I can get the directions to master this technique?

Thank you so much!


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What I would do, is make the white part of the popscicle and let it set up on the stick. Once completely cooled and set then I would dip several times in the "chocolate" soap mixture. Once that was completely set then I would take a potato peeler, planer or knife and carve enough off the sides to get the white to show and then cookie cutter off the "bite" mark.

It may be a bit time consuming, but you could do several at a time and it wouldn't be so bad, and it seems a lot easier than messing with embeds and such.

I've never done these type of soaps before, but I have dipped soaps before and it works as long as the over dip isn't so hot that it melts the dipped soap.

Maybe I'll try some this weekend and see how they turn out. :)

Good luck!

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I’m thinking… definitely 3D mold, 2 halves set out and a layer of “chocolate” poured and allowed to set, mold assembled and “vanilla” poured in to form the sandwich effect and the stick inserted. Then topped with more “chocolate”. You would have to be very careful to not break the seal between the soap and the mold halves assembling it.

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I bought a mold like that a couple years ago after seeing someone make popsicle soap! Got it at walmart or target or dollar store or something! You see them around!! Remember thinking was really cute!!

Might have to try it!! Only problem is I don't eat popsicles-so don't have any stick! Guess could buy a box!!

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I bought a mold like that a couple years ago after seeing someone make popsicle soap! Got it at walmart or target or dollar store or something! You see them around!! Remember thinking was really cute!!

Might have to try it!! Only problem is I don't eat popsicles-so don't have any stick! Guess could buy a box!!

Okay, first of all, I love your cat! Totally made me laugh! LOL!

I bought a bag of 200 popsicle sticks at the dollar store for, what else, $1.00.

I am gonna try some of the ideas the forum supplied me with. Everyone has been so helpful!

I love this place!


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What I would do, is make the white part of the popscicle and let it set up on the stick. Once completely cooled and set then I would dip several times in the "chocolate" soap mixture. Once that was completely set then I would take a potato peeler, planer or knife and carve enough off the sides to get the white to show and then cookie cutter off the "bite" mark.

It may be a bit time consuming, but you could do several at a time and it wouldn't be so bad, and it seems a lot easier than messing with embeds and such.

I've never done these type of soaps before, but I have dipped soaps before and it works as long as the over dip isn't so hot that it melts the dipped soap.

Maybe I'll try some this weekend and see how they turn out. :)

Good luck!

Thank you so much!


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I've been searching all over for a mold and found a pic of this but it is from someone's blog so I have no clue where to get a mold like it but I want it lol! It doesn't have the bite out of it but it looks like it would do fine!



Angi! Found it at Amazon.com... here is the link...


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Yep I use a plain old Popcicle mold too for a few years now. Its not quite as fancy but I love them and so do my customers. I also have more play with the colours and flavors I choose lol... not that you should eat them.

PS as added 'b&b ishness' lol I use an emory board in place of the stick. Simple replacement that many people love. I also get them at the dollarstore for a pack of 30 or so for a dollar. (Canadian but I am sure you have them in yours too).

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If I had to hazard a guess, you would pour the white layer first and insert the stick, then I would put it into the fridge and let it get cold. color the rest of the soap a nice chocolate color using oxides, add the chocolate fragrance. I would then spray the white layer with witch hazel or rubbing alcohol, quickly center it in the mold. (by this time the chocolate part should be cooler, but still be able to be poured, this will minimize any melting of the white part) and pour the chocolate into the mold.

you would then place it back in the fridge or even the freezer to have it cool fast to prevent melting of the white, plus it should help you take it out of the mold.

The bite, is probably from a cookie cutter.

just a thought about how I would do it.

have fun



I have just recently begun working with soap. I have worked with wax for years.

I would like to make my kid’s those popular dreamsicle/popsicle soaps on a stick. The ones with the chocolate on the outside and the white ice cream in the middle. Like the attached photo…


Does anyone know how to achieve this look, or know where I can get the directions to master this technique?

Thank you so much!


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  • 1 month later...

Could these be of any use? I realize that they are plain, but I think I am going to invest in a few to try out.

I have never inserted a link, hopefully it works.

Those actually look perfect to make the inner layer. Pour those with the white, let them set, then sit them inside the larger mold and pour the chocolate!

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