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The Soap Fairies Were Here Last Night....


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This is batch #10 in a row, same recipe. The soap was swirled and the surface was flat when I put it to bed. Now, there are raised swirls that look like a thick oil painting, the colors morphed and the sides are still soft.

Must have overheated, although I can't imagine why. It really looks like an abstract oil painting. If it does not firm up by Saturday, I will toss it.



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If anyone can save, E, you can. Hope you don't have to pitch it! It's neat though I'm sure it's not what you were planning.:undecided But sometimes are mistakes make the prettiest things so thing great thoughs and I will too.


PS I have now completed reading 170 pages at the Dish in the Soap forum! on 365 pages to go and I will have read the whole forum! Then it's onto the marketing forum over there! LOL!:tongue2:

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I like to swirl when the soap is at medium trace to get the 3D effect, but I’ve never had then raise on their own before. What is really odd is it looks like there are nice flat areas, like only some of it raised. Could it have anything to do with the coloring? Looks like the whiter areas are the flatter spaces. Still, it’s beautiful, the colors are striking and your swirls are always dramatic.

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