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Cyclo body spray - scent not lasting

Pam W

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I used some cyclo to make body sprays and the scents don't hold for much more than an hour. Is this normal for body sprays?

I mixed 3 parts cyclo with 1 part FO per the suppliers website - one of the scents did fine but 2 others, the FOs separated and settled to the bottom. I thought body sprays were supposed to be simple but not the case....am I missing something?:sad2:

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I didn't care for the cyclo, too oily for my liking. I don't think the body sprays (whether they are water based or the cyclo) are supposed to last as long as like a perfume (which is more concentrated, I believe).

Also, with bath and body products, I think it is better to layer them. Use the body wash or soap in shower, slather on some lotion while still damp and the pores are opened, and then spray the cyclo on as a top coat.

As for the fragrances, some just don't mix. You could still use them, just put a "shake before use" warning on them and package them in an opaque bottle!



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I always substitute one of the cyclo "parts" with Fractionated Coconut Oil to avoid separation.l find that more scents separate with cyclo, than don't! I mix the FCO & FO first. Then, add the cyclo. It truly helps. (But I do 1:5 ratios or 1:6 ratios)

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  • 3 months later...

I am new to the body spray thing...my son loves those "Bod" and "Axe" sprays, and they are so ridiculously strong, they really aggravate my allergies. He asked me to get him some spray at the store, and I thought, why not make him one! I had some CME, but it was only a small sample...and it didn't quite make it clear because the FO was colored....?! I have cyclo, poly 80 and 20, and I Read in one place, to use poyl 20, and in another place to use poly 80. Boy am I confused! I just want to make a simple body spray that isn't too weakly scented, but that is clear, is it possible? I was also wondering about preservative....like I Said, this is new territory for me, I Was strictly CP soap maker until ths past week when theQueen talked me through a sugar scrub...lol. I appreciate any help, because I want this to be something that he likes, so he doesn't feel like he has to use those yuckers anymore....so even though it is for my kid, I still would like it to be clear, but at the same time, I don't want to compromise his safety by adding so much junk that we may as well buy the other stuff...am I being silly? TIA.

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I use cyclo all the time and most fragrances that I've used you can still smell it on your clothes late in the afternoon. I've only had a couple that didn't want to mix with just the cyclo so I added FCO. All of mine have been clear that you can see through. Not a white/crystal clear because of the color of the fo's but you can read a paper through them.

I've never added any polysorbate's to mine. These are used mainly when using water to make the fo mix with the water. Maybe try upping your fo amount. HTH some.

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So, Ladysj, do you make a "sample" batch first, to see if the FO is going to blend well? Or do you go back in after adding the stubborn FO and add FCO? I'm amazed that cyclo as a stand alone will make a clear spray! I'm excited...what ratio of cyclo would you recommend? And do you add distilled water to yours or do you use witch hazel or alcohol? I am trying to keep my costs down, because, after all he is a kid and tends to go a bit overboard with sprays, so I am sure he will be finished with a 6 oz. bottle in a week! Thank you so much for your help!

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Okay, Queen, you know I'm an idiot... do I add water to this, or like, say if I am wanting to make 10 oz, of spray, do I use 9.5 oz cyclo, 2.5 oz almond oil, and 2.5 oz of FO?? (Why do I try new things??sheesh, like my poor brain wasn't already cramping from the other things I have been trying!) BTW, thanks for coming to my rescue again...lol...does it seem like we are hijacking threads? LOL...I figure, if nobody else wants to talk, between you and me, we can bring all the dead threads back to life...LOL

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I wouldn't add water or witch hazel because then you get into a preservative issue. In my never-to-be-humble opinion it doesn't need anything else. I have not yet done just cyclo and FO, but may try that with a 5oz batch. Yes, the ratio would be what you have for 10oz. That's the reason I use percentages rather than actual amounts, so you may apply that ratio to any measurement you use, ounces, grams, etc.

We may be hijackers but we sure ain't thread KILLERS, are we? :yay:

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I'm gonna try it queen, because I am looking for something that will last longer than the "water spritzer" body sprays...if I make it last longer, then my kid will not complain about it and will continue to use it...oh, and if it 'asts longer, then he will have to use it less...ya know?

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This sounds like a pretty good (read easy) recipe -- I'll try it out this weekend!

I did read somewhere to use alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) in a body spray to help make it last. Has anyone tried that? I should search, I know, but I've been working nights and am reading the board (and typing) while still asleep. :rolleyes:

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I forgot to ask bugtussle if this body spray recipe is clear. or cloudy? I won't be able to work on trying it til next week, I am getting ready for the market this weekend. But I'll let you know how mine turns out. Let me know on yours, if you make it to it before I do.

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Deb does it (Cyclo) cloud? I used distilled water and CME with FO @ 1% and it was crystal clear, although the concentration of the FO was kinda weak, IMO...I was wondering about cost effectiveness..cause this boy is in middle school, LOL..they go through A LOT of body spray! LOL

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It depends on the scent. Vanilla bean clouds. That is why I use colored bottles instead of clear. If you use FCO with it you don't have to worry about shaking it. I have tried body splash before but it does not hold the scent like cyclo. Maybe someone else can chime in here for something as good as cyclo without the cost.

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