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A funny little story!

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So I was making candles the other day. I love lilies so I bought Lily of the valley. I melt the wax, add white to color it and went to measure the FO in a paper cup. Once measured, like the dork I am, I took a big sniff (because like I said, I love Lilies!) and it burnt my lung. So I'm standing there , in the same room with the Fo, not once thinking to leave the room to catch my breath, Coughing, coughing more, trying to breath... turned around and THUD!

I fainted. Obviously to a lack of oxygen or something. I woke up almost instantly, my head twisted up against the counter and got up. Left the room for about ten minutes, tied a towel around my face, returned to the kitched. Dumped the FO back into the bottle, turned off my burner and rested for about 6 hours.

Has this happened to anyone else or am I just a retard? LOL.

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Reminds me of the time when I first got married. I couldn't tell the difference between the instant coffee and the instant tea. :rolleyes2 I had cute little matching canisters way back then. I took the lid off of one and took a big whiff. Snorted ice tea up my nose. Gawd, that burned.

Not a pretty sight seeing your new bride of two days with tears running down her face and brown stuff comming out of her nose running through the apartment yelling, "&%$#@ it burns, it burns!"

I've used tea bags ever since.

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LMAO OMG that must have stunk to have happen, but hearing it today sure is funny! :laugh2:

I did a brilliant one one time when I was little. Two actually. I learned never to sneeze at the bathroom sink when you're little. Ouch it hurt and there was blood.

Also, never spit a piece of gum into an ashtray. I thought I was going to be blind.

Live and learn. ;)

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Yowzer! That looked really painful.:shocked2:

Ironically, the same day that a friend of mine shared that video with me, I was sitting in my university cafeteria waiting for class to start, when I heard a group of young students (which I'm definitely not) making a ruckus over at the next table. I looked over just in time to see one of the kids trying to snort a blob of the cafeteria wasabi. After failing at first because the paste was too thick, he diluted it with (now get this) some of the cafeteria's jalapeno salsa before finally succeeding, much to the joy of his cheering soccer teammates (yes...this was the university soccer team). The poor kid's face immediately turned bright red, and several minutes passed before he finally said only, "I'm going back to the dorm."

After it all was over (and, yes, I could have tried to stop it), I told his teammates about that YouTube video and suggested that they never would have let him to it if they had seen the video first. Much to my surprise, one of them said, "Yeah, man...that's why he did it. He wanted to see if the guy on the video was faking or if that's really the way it feels to snort wasabi."

Dumbfounded, I could only laugh and walk away.

- Mark

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*LOL*!! Kids huh :grin2: Bet he won't do it again. :rolleyes2
One can only hope. On the other hand, if you're stupid enough to do it once, you're probably stupid enough to do it again.
By the way Mark, you sound very English - are you a Brit?
Nope. Texan. What about me sounds English?

- Mark

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Glad you are Ok.

I am chemical sensitive and I never sniff from the bottle. Way to STRONG. I go by the scent and if I like it I buy it. After it is made I test it.Then keep it or forget it.

Some scents just get to me making them. At Christmas it was Mistletoe. Hit me hard but never did before. Now I never want to do that one UNLESS a order.Then husband can make it. Hot Buttered Rum is another and also hard for my husband(usually nothing gets to him) but good scent. If sales go down for that then it goes out.

Florals can be overwhelming.I know Gardenia gets to me. Had to get some air.

I am guilty (mostly in winter) of not opening the windows in the basment but best to do it. I know it is hard with people's schedules but I do not work with candle stuff unless husband is home. If you were by yourself you are very very lucky. Be safe.

For lye I could never work with that. My heart condition cannot take that. I take meds to control fast heart beats. That is the only way I can do candles. Lye is very dangerous to work with.


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I really don't know :laugh2: Obviously I got that one COMPLETELY wrong! Sorry bout that :grin2:


No worries, luv. :grin2:

Actually, truth be told, I do write and speak differently from most folks. Even though I've been in Texas basically my whole life, I am frequently asked where I am from and why I don't "sound more Texan." I think it may be due to the fact that I grew up around families from India, China, England (yes, England), Ireland, and Germany. That, plus the fact that I just kinda gravitate towards cool accents. I once spent a week around a guy from Wisconsin and ended up needing the next three weeks to stop talking like him. :Werd:

- Mark

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I've never passed out from smelling FO's. But just before Christmas I was filling a big order and making several different scents that I woke up the morning after and my eyes were swelled shut for the next 2 days. Must have been a mixture of the scents I was pouring. I've never had that happen in the 10 years I have been making candles. Hope you're ok.

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