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ordering Fragrance oil...and they are out of stock!


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I made a small order to scent works, and they sent my oils, minus one...saying they were out of stock. Now I make orders calculating in shipping (because my orders are small) and would have waited if I knew this was out of stock, rather than them just not sending it, and sending the other oils. I got no email notification that this was the case, which I would have preferred. I also could have made a substitution.

Is this a normal way to do business? I was not impressed. When I emailed to enquire about this, I also got no apology, just a 'we were out of stock' and 'happy holidays'! They did not offer to resend it once their stock was back in (which it was by the time I received my oils. They also sad they made 'adjustments', but for me to go back and look, it would take a lot of time on my part to access my cc company records, because I made a lot of purchases in December.

Anyone else have similar experience?

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That won't happen with Scent Works, I got a "book" in an email telling me how they don't have time to do all the stuff I think they should do. Wish I had kept it, I sure would have passed it around. He could have saved a lot of time with all it took to reply to my comment. One thing I can say is SW's read my comment box " please apply any sale to my order" See I for got the "CODE" they had sent. Bad me... They won't hear from me again.

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It's sad to hear these stories. I've never had but fabulous interactions with them - like when they got behind on processing orders they shipped mine overnight. Their FOs have always been great for me, and when I've contacted them I've only been disappointed once (I wanted to pick up in person but they didn't allow that).

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Any business the size of S-W who won't let you pick up your order seems to me they have something to hide. I know their excuse is lack of liability insurance, but I've picked up orders from very small home based suppliers, no problem. They are a sizable supplier with exhorbitant prices. They should be able to afford insurance. I mean, really, even a place that's a pig sty like Alabaster allows customers to buy in person.

S-W does not have good CS. Overall. No one single incident I can point to, but just as a general rule, they are lacking in whatever it takes to make me feel their want my business. Consequently, they won't get it again.

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Well based on experiences within my own family's businesses I would have to disagree with the "something to hide" stuff. Our insurance did not allow customers on site, and if we chose to allow it we would have been taking an unnecessary financial risk. But we certainly had nothing to hide.

As for whether or not they can afford it, well how they choose to spend their money is their choice. As how we each choose to spend our money is our choice. They've always done right by me.

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Aw man, it's disappointing to hear this. There were several SW fragrances I wanted to try (including Acadian Homecoming, which I believe you can only get there), and hearing experiences like this makes me really not want to order.

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But was this part of a sale, like the year-end sale, where once it's gone, it's gone?

They were low on stock on a few oils that I ordered, but I put in the comments that I will gladly wait for them to be replenished if stock is too low to fill my order.

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Was this the end of year sale?

I believe it stated on the website that orders during this time would be shipped regardless if it had *out of stock* oils on it or not. TSW has a very defined policies on most everything~ especially sales and shipping. If you are not on the mailing list- they don't honor sale codes. It is clearly stated on the website. They've changed orders for me after I placed them online and I've never had an issue with them. I would try calling if this wasn't during the sale. They've always been extremely receptive via phone, in my experience.

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This time of year I am eager to try a new place, I think it was about 6 months ago or more that SW temporarily shut down for something, anyways with so many fragrance companies out there I hate to say it but a few negative reviews makes my job on deciding a new company to try a lot easier. I really have wanted to try a Shaw Mudge brand product, but there are plents of others out there. Also I am cracking up about the Alabaster comment.


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