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First pillar pic!


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Well I made my first rustic pillar (first pillar ever actually lol) and I think it turned out pretty good! I have been doing soy jars, tarts, and electric candles but have been suffering from severe candle envy whenever people post pics of their rustic pillars :laugh2: I still need to test burn, but it smells really yummy on my counter and looks pretty! :o


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I think it looks good and congrats on your first. Now I have one question. What's the shiny close to middle and there's another that looks kind of like an eye in the upper left.

I was thinking the shiny thing was flash glare and that they other was just some rustic. I knew you would ask! lol :P

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Thanks everyone!

Judy wins! The shiny spot happened with the flash and the eye is just the rustic. I actually bought a mottling wax (1274) instead of straight 1343 so that could be part of the reason.

The glare/shiny spot happened right where there is a small 'dent'. I think the wax must have pulled away from the side right there. So next time I need to be more on the uptake with the relief holes. lol

My friend is coming over tonight so we are going to light it up and see what it does. I have to make a prize basket for my sister's upcoming baby shower and would love to be able to put a rustic pillar in! Hopefully I can get it right in the next few weeks :)

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I think it's beautiful!:cheesy2: I have that same rustic pillar envy thing! LOL!

That's what I would love to do here soon! I have some 125mp straight paraffin will it work with that? I have never ever made anything but containers and votives(which I hate)..so I am a real "NOOB" when it comes to pillars!

Once again Beautiful!! What scent did you use? If you said i apologize..

was overwhelmed with how nice the colors are!


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Sorry I forgot the scent!!

It is millcreeks Berry Creme Brulee - one of my absolute favorites.

I burned for about an hour and the melt pool covered edge to edge, snuffed it so it wouldn't go over. I really haven't burned many pillars, so don't have much to compare it to, but I think it did well! lol

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I think it's beautiful!:cheesy2: I have that same rustic pillar envy thing! LOL!

That's what I would love to do here soon! I have some 125mp straight paraffin will it work with that? I have never ever made anything but containers and votives(which I hate)..so I am a real "NOOB" when it comes to pillars!

Once again Beautiful!! What scent did you use? If you said i apologize..

was overwhelmed with how nice the colors are!


Thanks! Rustic Pillar Envy - a new candle disease :laugh2: Definitely didn't cure it by making one, now I am looking at more dyes lol.

I am not sure on the wax. I used the 1274 from peak. When researching I noticed a lot of people using the 1343 and adding stearic. one of the rustic pros should be able to provide a better answer!

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You are on your way to fantastic pillars/rustics. Your technique is very good. You will work out the "bugs" and won't get dents anymore. Just keep an eye on the wax and be sure to keep the "poke" holes open. Very pretty candle. Donita

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Very pretty candle! :) I thought it looked quite happy until I read it was a flash... :laugh2:

You got a full melt pool in an hour? Seems a little quick...

Well, we did get distracted by the kids running around, so it might have been closer to 2 hours. I used a 24 ply flat braid wick, with the pillar having a 3" diameter. (It was the size the supplier suggested so I went with that). Should I try a 18? I am planning on placing an order by Monday, so maybe I'll grab some more wick sizes....

Thanks :)

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