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Here are a couple of my labels

Hopfully you can see them

Please give your honest opinion , which is your favorite

And any suggestions would be great!

The idea is Nature as it is called Natural Beauty Collection

There will be an array of products in this line and will all be labeled the same.

thanks Kathy:D


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Personally I wouldn't have so much text on the front. You can have a label on the back with all that text as well as the weight, PAO symbol, contact details, ingredients etc. The front should be clear and concise with perhaps just a short description to entice people to pick it up and read the back?

I'd also not have the labels so big - perhaps half the size so the actual product can bee seen through the bottle - unless the bottle is frosted (I can't tell) but I'd still not have a label that covers the entire front of the bottle just from an asthetic point of view.


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I know that it would look better with info on back

Which way to half it?

Words wont fit if I half it length wise...I still have to use these labels but will have to cut them if I do a smaller version.

Going to try something and will post in a few.

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I actually liked the first version - long label with all of the wording. It had a "new age" feel to it. My eye only read Facial Scrub, my brain just assumed the words were a poem to go along with the picturesque stream.

just my take on it,


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I actually liked the first version - long label with all of the wording. It had a "new age" feel to it. My eye only read Facial Scrub, my brain just assumed the words were a poem to go along with the picturesque stream.

just my take on it,


I kept going backt to that and eveytime I looked at the seascape I saw the same thing.

The facial scrub will be the only product that will have ing. on front all the rest will be on the side as those containers are different shape

b scrub, face seerum , toner etc -Labels will be designed width wise.

Seascape will take alot of ink thowugh but I still like it.

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I like the first set of labels with the wording. The seascape is my favorite of the 2 pictures but the text is hard to read in the darker areas. I agree with Lindsay that the text would look nice centered.

My suggestion would be to keep the long label with the text centered but fade the seascape picture by about 50% so the text is easier to read.

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I'd like just a shorter version of the longer labels, but with rounded corners to fit the bottles curves. Clear labels would be ideal IMO, but you don't have that ... sooooooooo I would go with the halfsies in that case.

While the picture of the water and mountains is great and all ... I don't feel it works with the name.

Depends on the look you're going for though, because I feel that needs to be consistent throughout your products and with some tweaking here and there, could probably be made to work.

I think the water and mountain label is too dark and swallows your text so I think there needs to more play with that.

These are only my opinions. What matters most is what you feel works best.

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The collection is called Natural Beauty Collection...Not sure if you can read that part but that was the idea behind the seascape or flowers

Made to bring out ones natural beauty along with being natural ingredients.

I am gonna search more pictures and see if I can find another option.

The background at 50% is light an not as pleasent to look at.

So not too may takers on the flowers?

I'll be back with something better soon! thanks to all!!

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I like the floral picture on the full label best. It looks much more feminine than the water scene label. I think on the second version you posted one of the labels had an outline around the artwork, but still had a white border around the edge--I think that one had a more upscale look to it and was my favorite.

The way the name is on the label just doesn't sit well with me personally. Could you try slightly arching the words "Natural Beauty" one one line and then directly beneath it have the word "Collection" in a straight line?

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Oh I liked the flower one and yes, I agree, definitely more feminine. I didn't catch the Natural Beauty Collection part. Now the mountain and water makes more sense, but I would agree more manly or uni-sex.

You could actually make the flowers a little larger and see if that tones down the print, but on feminine/beauty products, I'd probably carry most of the type to the back.

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I like the floral picture on the full label best. It looks much more feminine than the water scene label. I think on the second version you posted one of the labels had an outline around the artwork, but still had a white border around the edge--I think that one had a more upscale look to it and was my favorite.

The way the name is on the label just doesn't sit well with me personally. Could you try slightly arching the words "Natural Beauty" one one line and then directly beneath it have the word "Collection" in a straight line?

trying this right now and a few other ideas

Stayed tuned!

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Wow. I'm torn. I like #2 (the yellow one) but I'm not crazy about all the text on the label. I like the look of #4, because it's nice and clean, however there's something about using a picture of jagged rocks that doesn't seem appropriate for using with a facial scrub.

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I like the looks of 3&4 but not the art ... need something that screams refreshing IMO. Also, can you curve the borders to go with the labels?

AND then ... I think a 3/4 label instead of the full sheet would be better ... now this may be the size you have to work with, so what about chopping off 1/4 of is and separating it for a different use on the bottle, whether its used on the back for your business info, the price of the bottle, or weights, but thinking the weights should be on the front.

The first floral picture I like the best, but maybe it's just me with the full label.

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